I was getting bored on Gwydion and decided "Why not visit Arawn, the place of the unique people". So i did and I was very pleased. I named myself MikeShotArawn Along the road, I met Savaged1982 and we joked around a little and I decided to give him 2 pots plus a Snowman helm since I wasn't gonna stay there. Along the road I saw Rafiki, and decided to give him my Santa hat but he denied saying no thanks. He probably didn't even realize it was MikeShot2. I saw Wizard and thought "hmmm, oh gee it's Spithealer maybe I should give him my Santa helm, he denied also, then a second later he realized it was me MikeLongShot. So he said "are you MikeShot2" and I answered yes. He then said "go away nobody in Arawn wants you here". What a nice person. Some unique stuff I saw was a lv 38 person riding a Broom of Cackling and a lv 48 dude having full Darkflame. Maybe they were secondary chars or they weren't, who knows? The nicest person I saw was this dude named TheGoodie or something like that, where he saw me being stranded in Stonevale and offered to escort me throughout Stonevale. The other nicest was Savaged1982 probably. So yeah, that was my trip to Arawn. If anyone from Arawn is reading this, I have a Santa hat and 55 gold for the taking!
The reason I didn't post this on Arawn was cause I thought everyone was gonna use the Spithealer technique on me. I know none of my fellow Gwydionians would betray me, right?
Re: My Unique Trip to Arawn
#2Hehe mike, I knew it was you. I denied your generous offer because I thought that someone else deserved it. I tend to get really lucky on my server when I'm in a group with my fellow people in Arawn. As for the level 48, that was the alt of Wizard prolly, though I couldn't tell ya. It's a shame you didn't decide to stay in Arawn, but maybe you will change your mind. As for the SpiritHealer technique, I have no idea what that is, so I couldn't possibly do it to you lol.
"You follow Rafiki, he knows the way"
Agentyamski - Lvl 128+
Rafiki - Lvl 95+
Coldbreth - Lvl 95+
http://www.celtic-heroes.com/forum/view ... 10&t=30536
Agentyamski - Lvl 128+
Rafiki - Lvl 95+
Coldbreth - Lvl 95+
http://www.celtic-heroes.com/forum/view ... 10&t=30536
Re: My Unique Trip to Arawn
#3I would love to stay on Arawn to piss off Wizard! I'll start a new character called Rager so if you see him, it's me. I'll take any ranger crap that you don't need (sorry if I'm begging). He's probably gonna be a ranger. I'm gonna play with him until my friend in real life* finishes helping my main char level up. Oh and I doubt that was Wizard's char cause he only has one char on Arawn. Oh and the Spithealer technique is a way to cuss or hurt someone's feelings while trying to be cool.
I approve this message.
Re: My Unique Trip to Arawn
#4I have a feeling he's trying to keep that character low, but that's just my opinion in that. He started a rogue a few days ago named krypto.
"You follow Rafiki, he knows the way"
Agentyamski - Lvl 128+
Rafiki - Lvl 95+
Coldbreth - Lvl 95+
http://www.celtic-heroes.com/forum/view ... 10&t=30536
Agentyamski - Lvl 128+
Rafiki - Lvl 95+
Coldbreth - Lvl 95+
http://www.celtic-heroes.com/forum/view ... 10&t=30536