So... If we are support (and ill be ...not happy... if my ranger will be just support) Then what about druids? Hmmmm? Are they just support?Notice I said main. Dps is secondary. A ranger shouldn't be able to root, bolas, and entangle bosses and buff teammates with dmg and heal without having low dps.Longshot,Sharpshot,Double shot,Explosive arrow are support skills?A ranger's main role is support. Don't like it? Try another class.
Here I will answer for you: No they are not and some druids can outdps all other classes on bosses. Including the 'dps classes' (rogue and mage and warrior, apparently not ranger though idk why we would ever put any points in str or dex, minds well just put all our stat points in vit and foc to do something decent......................).
If even DRUIDS ...THE... Support class of all SUPPORT CLASSES can out dps rangers then im sorry but we have a ...really big problem... Also I would like to point out a couple things:
Rangers don't root, we can only bolas and root is superior to bolas in all ways as it is recastable without a cd reduction skull.
We have no heal buffs.
We do have a very nice heal that can be at times comparable to druids heal but that is only if we are skill based or have lots of rings for it.
The only 2 things we can do that other classes cannot DIRECTLY do is entangle and adding dmg (sharpen and defensive spikes).
Druids can INDIRECTLY slow any mob/boss's auto attacks through using howling wind, which with enough defense can be MUCH more effective than entangle.
Mages can INDIRECTLY increase other players dmg, and much more efficiently than rangers do, through using their amazing lures.
Warriors can INDIRECTLY increase other players dmg too through shatter, though this too is relatively not quite as effective as lures.
Rogues can INDIRECTLY increase other players dmg through no less than 3 different skills: Expose weakness, Smoke Bomb, and Poison weapon, the poison is however the one skill not as good as the one we have, sharpen. Ill give you that. However you might counter that with the fact that the dmg is MOSTLY IRRESISTABLE.
Onto defensive spikes comparisons:
Mages can cast FIRE CLOAK which beats defensive spikes any time, any day, any week, any month, any year, any mob, and any boss.
You can buy ITEMS that do better and more consistent dmg than OUR defensive spikes skill complete with dex buff and maxed!
So without flying off the handle completely... WHAT IS OUR PURPOSE?! Every SINGLE class has skills that are more than comparable to our skills, and in 99.9% of the case MUCH BETTER than our own. As I am pretty done as far as this goes with trying to define the ranger class, and thus coming up with all the above facts I am pretty done trying to define us as a class.
OTM, design team etc why don't you help rangers out telling us what the ... we were originally designed for? Ill even accept other players at this point. :3 Would prefer an OTM response though as between yakat and myself I think we have figured out there is no real purpose to our class yes?