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Re: A Discussion About Religion: The [Threequel]

U think women were treated with more respect 100 Years ago than now? Let me put it this way, if a women were raped 100 years ago the women would be blamed, they couldn't own property, they couldn't vote so they couldn't change, it was either marry, or die. Your knowledge of history is pathetic.
If a women was raped a 100 years ago that was at least a big of a deal as it is now. They couldn't vote that is true. Of course that changed by 50 years ago. I believe it was at about WWII that things began improving as people realized that women could do many things just as well as men. Very long ago the reason that you pretty much had to marry was the fact that many things took very great physical strength and stamina. Of course some women had the necessary qualities to plow, etc. but we might as well face it: in the physical department, the average man trumps the average women. This in no way makes the man better; its just a fact of life. And back then, strength was needed. As brains started to matter more and more until they were about equal, women were able to depend on themselves more and more. Show me the law that said that women could not own property. Most men, even rough men that would shoot a man for snoring, wouldnt even think of swearing around a woman or a child. It was commen practice to hold the door open for a women or help them in any way possible. It is not like that now. Insults on my historical knowledge will get you no where.
Your entire argument is a fail because women weren't (and still aren't in many ways) paid the same for the same work done. So by production (not hourly) which shouldn't matter to the business owner - yet they were still paid a lot less or denied employment. It's mostly about discrimination and keeping them subservient rather than some actual argument about strength.

Women were not allowed to own property in the USA. http://nationalparalegal.edu/public_doc ... sWomen.asp

In fact women did not get the same rights to own property as men until about 60 years ago.

It varied by state. Usually they got the right to manage thier spouses property in the intrem if he was incapacitated first. That is not ownership rights. The Bible Belt states were the worst offenders of women's rights often using the bible as justification. I suggest you look it up yourself. No real need to insult you on your history knowledge you have done a fine job yourself.
Member of Aeon - Taranis - 24 boxer
220+ toons
Ravenleaf druid - Silverstring ranger
Stormsong warrior - Nwerb Mage - Eventide Rogue

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Re: A Discussion About Religion: The [Threequel]

U think women were treated with more respect 100 Years ago than now? Let me put it this way, if a women were raped 100 years ago the women would be blamed, they couldn't own property, they couldn't vote so they couldn't change, it was either marry, or die. Your knowledge of history is pathetic.
If a women was raped a 100 years ago that was at least a big of a deal as it is now. They couldn't vote that is true. Of course that changed by 50 years ago. I believe it was at about WWII that things began improving as people realized that women could do many things just as well as men. Very long ago the reason that you pretty much had to marry was the fact that many things took very great physical strength and stamina. Of course some women had the necessary qualities to plow, etc. but we might as well face it: in the physical department, the average man trumps the average women. This in no way makes the man better; its just a fact of life. And back then, strength was needed. As brains started to matter more and more until they were about equal, women were able to depend on themselves more and more. Show me the law that said that women could not own property. Most men, even rough men that would shoot a man for snoring, wouldnt even think of swearing around a woman or a child. It was commen practice to hold the door open for a women or help them in any way possible. It is not like that now. Insults on my historical knowledge will get you no where.
Your entire argument is a fail because women weren't (and still aren't in many ways) paid the same for the same work done. So by production (not hourly) which shouldn't matter to the business owner - yet they were still paid a lot less or denied employment. It's mostly about discrimination and keeping them subservient rather than some actual argument about strength.

Women were not allowed to own property in the USA. http://nationalparalegal.edu/public_doc ... sWomen.asp

In fact women did not get the same rights to own property as men until about 60 years ago.

It varied by state. Usually they got the right to manage thier spouses property in the intrem if he was incapacitated first. That is not ownership rights. The Bible Belt states were the worst offenders of women's rights often using the bible as justification. I suggest you look it up yourself. No real need to insult you on your history knowledge you have done a fine job yourself.
Psalm 46:10 He says, "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."


Junior Journalist of the Dal Riata Daily Enquirer

Proud Clansman of Divergent

Re: A Discussion About Religion: The [Threequel]

My Gods not dead he's surely alive he's livin on the inside roarin like lion.

Anyway, here's what I think, I believe in Gods, I believe he is real and will one day wipe out all evil on earth and his faithful servants will live in a beautiful paradise like Eden.

If I was wrong about the existance of God, which I'm not, then honestly I wouldn't really mind. Because the bible teaches us (current followers not old stoning people laws that don't apply to us) to be loving people, peaceful, to do the right thing, to not contaminate our body's (i.e smoking/drugs), and so many more things that aren't just in the best interest of Gods followers, but to any human being in general.

So if I was wrong, then so be it, but hey, I lived a good clean, moral, amazing and satisfying life, and I wouldn't change one bit of it. I know that if that judgement day comes I'll be safe, I did what was asked of me and I made it through. I have nothing to lose, but if I rejected God as a whole, and his judgment day comes, yea oh boy I'll regret it.

That's my two cents
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Re: A Discussion About Religion: The [Threequel]

My Gods not dead he's surely alive he's livin on the inside roarin like lion.

Anyway, here's what I think, I believe in Gods, I believe he is real and will one day wipe out all evil on earth and his faithful servants will live in a beautiful paradise like Eden.

If I was wrong about the existance of God, which I'm not, then honestly I wouldn't really mind. Because the bible teaches us (current followers not old stoning people laws that don't apply to us) to be loving people, peaceful, to do the right thing, to not contaminate our body's (i.e smoking/drugs), and so many more things that aren't just in the best interest of Gods followers, but to any human being in general.

So if I was wrong, then so be it, but hey, I lived a good clean, moral, amazing and satisfying life, and I wouldn't change one bit of it. I know that if that judgement day comes I'll be safe, I did what was asked of me and I made it through. I have nothing to lose, but if I rejected God as a whole, and his judgment day comes, yea oh boy I'll regret it.

That's my two cents
The problem with this approach is subtle - but there are problems. First and foremost with no real evidence to point out there are nearly as many different views on god as people. This causes unnecessary division and hostilities over which version is real. Most cant keep it in thier pants and need to be right over others despite no evidence which can and often does lead to violence.

Furthermore many "peaceful" people can't keep their religious morality to themselves and do things like try to deny gay people rights. In America far and away the biggest amount of money lobbying to repress gay people is fem Christian groups spreading thier hate and suppression. Furthermore people think god will take care of them medically or it dosent matter since they are going to a better place and either become ill and avoid proper treatment or worse yet spread diseases to others including those who can't be inoculated like babies, the elderly and people with compromised immune systems. Or worse deny others scientific research with thier arcane religious morality with little to no basis in reality for doing so. It's sad but we have had a return of Polio in America for just these reasons of denial when science had purged it completely.

Finally the further you are from reality the less you are able to influence it in the way you intend. A sad example is the Catholics who taught the evils of condoms during the height of the aids epidemic in africa. It's hard to say but it's pretty likely it caused tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of deaths on top of the millions dying. I'm only guessing they did not intend mass murder.

There really are no harmless "beliefs". Living your life with them does have quite harmful side effects. Your intentions no longer have the same effacy as those whose thinking does not diverge from reality as badly.

I do not subscribe to unfounded beliefs. Yet despite believing I can get away with it if I'm not caught I still give to charities, donate my time, am a decent person. If some obscure god is real and questions me after death I will say that there was simply no evidence and despite believing I could do anything and not be punished I treated others as I would like to be treated. Any god who would punish me for that is not deserving of my attentions.
Member of Aeon - Taranis - 24 boxer
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Re: A Discussion About Religion: The [Threequel]

Wow, 84 pages?!
I've missed alot( not really... Its pretty much the same debate -.-)

Btw, I had a conversation with some friends of mine(non were christian), and someone said:" Men need women, and women need men. They are both lost without each other, and it would be less fun for both of them. So in a way, homosexuality is wrong".
This person was atheist, and supports homosexuals,but he also sees our point of view.
I just wanted to say that, because this truly amazed me.
The problem with that morality is you are blocking other peoples happiness based on your opinion, I don't care what you believe as long as it doesn't affect other people and what they believe
Presonally, I dont care if someones is gay, if that gay person doesnt try to obligate me to support or be gay.
If gay people want to be happy, then I cant do anything, but they dont need to force it on me on tv, radio, parades,etc.

By the way, did you know marriage by church started as a CHRISTIAN tradition? Yep, it started in real christianity... I understand legal marriage, but church marriage? Normally gay people hate christians, so why would they want to get married in a church?

And how homosexuality affects me?... Well, there are many pretty women out there that are lesbian, which means they arent intrested in men. Imagen if the perfect woman for you was a lesbian? Just look at Ellen Page... She was already out of my league being an actress, but now shes lesbian? I have to change genders and be kinda famous to date someone like that xD
(Im not in the mood to be serious atm,lol)

Re: A Discussion About Religion: The [Threequel]

Wow, 84 pages?!
I've missed alot( not really... Its pretty much the same debate -.-)

Btw, I had a conversation with some friends of mine(non were christian), and someone said:" Men need women, and women need men. They are both lost without each other, and it would be less fun for both of them. So in a way, homosexuality is wrong".
This person was atheist, and supports homosexuals,but he also sees our point of view.
I just wanted to say that, because this truly amazed me.
The problem with that morality is you are blocking other peoples happiness based on your opinion, I don't care what you believe as long as it doesn't affect other people and what they believe
Presonally, I dont care if someones is gay, if that gay person doesnt try to obligate me to support or be gay.
If gay people want to be happy, then I cant do anything, but they dont need to force it on me on tv, radio, parades,etc.

By the way, did you know marriage by church started as a CHRISTIAN tradition? Yep, it started in real christianity... I understand legal marriage, but church marriage? Normally gay people hate christians, so why would they want to get married in a church?

And how homosexuality affects me?... Well, there are many pretty women out there that are lesbian, which means they arent intrested in men. Imagen if the perfect woman for you was a lesbian? Just look at Ellen Page... She was already out of my league being an actress, but now shes lesbian? I have to change genders and be kinda famous to date someone like that xD
(Im not in the mood to be serious atm,lol)
Well no ---- sherlock of course a church wedding is a christian thing, gays dont want that, they want legal marriage, they kind of have it but they give it the degrading term "civil partnership"

Re: A Discussion About Religion: The [Threequel]

The problem with that morality is you are blocking other peoples happiness based on your opinion, I don't care what you believe as long as it doesn't affect other people and what they believe
Presonally, I dont care if someones is gay, if that gay person doesnt try to obligate me to support or be gay.
If gay people want to be happy, then I cant do anything, but they dont need to force it on me on tv, radio, parades,etc.
riiiigggghhhtt. Because you and your ancient goat hearing morality owns all tv, all radio, all public places, etc. How about instead of forcing your religious views on others you simply don't turn on the tv, radio, or participate in the parades? I don't demand that Christian scammers that operate on these mediums bilking the gullible out of thier money continuously - writhing in tongues, casting out demons, and magically curing ills (but somehow never amputees) get banned from doing so.

By the way, did you know marriage by church started as a CHRISTIAN tradition? Yep, it started in real christianity... I understand legal marriage, but church marriage? Normally gay people hate christians, so why would they want to get married in a church?

By the way, did you know that for the first one thousand five hundred years of CHRISTIANITY god wasn't involved AT ALL in marriages? Christians married in civil unions with no church involvement. Furthermore being married with a religious blessing at a place of worship predates your religion lol. As to your last point I'm guessing its a combination of wanting equal rights and Stockholm syndrome.
And how homosexuality affects me?... Well, there are many pretty women out there that are lesbian, which means they arent intrested in men. Imagen if the perfect woman for you was a lesbian? Just look at Ellen Page... She was already out of my league being an actress, but now shes lesbian? I have to change genders and be kinda famous to date someone like that xD
(Im not in the mood to be serious atm,lol)
Member of Aeon - Taranis - 24 boxer
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Ravenleaf druid - Silverstring ranger
Stormsong warrior - Nwerb Mage - Eventide Rogue

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Re: A Discussion About Religion: The [Threequel]

What? Why me lol
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