xXCalibreXx account scammed.
#1Hey guys, Lurk here... So alot of you know me as calibre, which i will no longer be going by, I sold the cali account to (censored) and a few days later he got the account scammed by a clanmate (NeftaLIi). So if anyone sees my account in the castle it is not me, do not trust anything he says. So ya... there was really nothing valuable on account so he didnt get that much... sucks to suck.
FerdRogue, Rogue, lvl 123
LurkHater, Ranger, lvl 109
CaptnTwerk, Mage, lvl 82 (Current main)
LurkHater, Ranger, lvl 109
CaptnTwerk, Mage, lvl 82 (Current main)