Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Alternate Mordy times

Remeber weekends are 2days weekdays 5 days so me and all other europian players have normaly 1 modry in 2weeks or if we are lucky 2 in 2 weeks. And others like 4 in 2 weeks.
lvl 191 rogue full dl armour
lvl 110 ranger lost and naked in the woods i guess :/
Lvl 120 druid
on lugh

Re: Alternate Mordy times

Remeber weekends are 2days weekdays 5 days so me and all other europian players have normaly 1 modry in 2weeks or if we are lucky 2 in 2 weeks. And others like 4 in 2 weeks.
We do a wednesday kill and a saturday kill don't we? When has that changed?

[list][*]Vulture - Level 220 Rogue
[*]Venus - Level 195 Druid[/list][/color]

Re: Alternate Mordy times

Dem is correct, the day is not consistent, but time usually is (server resets and alot of other factors cause the inconsistent days). It would be awesome to have a time that all could make it, but that is very hard.
I know that if lugh pulls together, a time that would help our european players can be found. PLEASE, if your a player from Aussie or Europe ... give your input, otherwise the time that is determined may not work for the majority of european players.
Have a great day all!

Re: Alternate Mordy times

Aussie times currently are 5am weekends and 8am weekdays. They are ok for people that dont work/sleep, i make the occasional mordy on my day off. Even if the time was brought back an hour or two id still make only my days off. Every sunday kill is my monday, so it makes it hard waking up at 5am for a boss, to then have 3 hrs before going to work.

If we could possibly do a morning weekend EST kill. It would be night for me, which might be better for europeans also. Again its hard to find that midway point when there are so many different timezones.
Lukov lvl 205 rogue
Lukov4 lvl 199 druid
Lukov2 lvl 63 warrior able to shield bash Aggy
Helpfullukov lvl 197 mage. Part three of the lukov combo
skywalker1 lvl 100 ranger
Expansion update 4 & destiny beta tester

Re: Alternate Mordy times

Finally we get input from Europe! So would earlier or later be better for you Derk?

Later, like 9-10pm would be 5-6am for you, right? Can you play before school/work?

Earlier, like 4-5pm would rule out much of the US except perhaps students without after-school activities.
I'm not the best example, I work and commute long days, and have a young daughter at school, so my timetable is very narrow. Haven't had much time to play lately, so my input should be viewed as general observations and suggestions.
9-10 PM could be ok for many central/eastern Europeans, but will be very early for UK residents (CET-1).
Then it will be worktime for people who live further east.

This is the reason I suggested that the timeslot is moved more around. A few weeks of alternative timeslots may give Lugh a better idea of when Mordy can be taken down (or later, Necro), and will to a larger extent give all players a fair shot.
Lugh - clan Ancients
Derken - Warrior (general)
Pointy - Rogue
Glob - Ranger
IsleOfLamp - Mage
Herculager - Warrior
Kefse - Druid

Re: Alternate Mordy times

Soo... Can we start doing 8 pm est kills every second kill or something
I would also like this to happen.

The last two Mordy kills were supposed to start at 6pm but instead the 190+ group decided to sit and camp 200 boss instead resulting in Mordy not starting until 6:30-6:45. If everyone agreed to a time, then start on time and stop screwing over the people who are not high enough level to attend the 200 boss but are high enough to attend Mordy.

I don't think having Mordy at 6pm every weekday it spawns is fair for the people who cannot consistently make this time. 8pm would be a much better time for me personally and many others and I think in the spirit of fairness we should agree on a system that offers more than one time slot on weekday spawns.
Critz - 222 Rogue
Server - Lugh

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