by -Alator-
my game wont let me log on lol. umm i get the error message that i should turn my phone off and change wifi. but to no avail. i turned it off tried 3 different wifis and i just tried on 3g. is it because of the update? no clue :/ if this needs to be moved to bug reports plz do so. jw if anyone else is having this problem
The game is now updating for the summer event. You probably weren't online for the "servers will shut down for patch warning."
My journey here at Celtic Heroes has been a long one. Although I am sad to leave, I will forever cherish the memories I made and the lesson I learned. Farewell.
July 17th, 2018
11:08 PM (UTC +8): Alator, Mage, 115
11:11 PM (UTC +8): Cantorix, Druid, 83