by xyn
first, bosses seem to be of two types:
1. ad hoc take down
2. need everyone - structured takedown
many bosses start as structured, then, as we become more powerful, they become ad hoc. Hrung is currently ad hoc - we see it up, we call people and we can generally get it going and killed quickly (sometimes we fail). Mordy, on the other hand, has generally required much better planning and coordination. while i certainly understand that 6pm doesnt work for everyone, and would love to have a better time, the fact is, if mordy is up, then by 6pm or so, we have the forces to kill it
i do not have a problem with the ad hoc kills. sure, i miss a bunch of hrung battles, but i hardly think everyone should wait just because i am not on or aware a battle must take place.
in general, on Lugh, the etiquette is notify your clan, and some other high ranking people from other major clans (not your whole friends list, you can assume if you notify an alliance member, they will notify their clan). if enough are on, great, if not, people will start kiking. once enough are gathered, we will generally wait a few minutes if we suspect someone else is on the way. but after that, the boss is fair game. of course, if anyone shows up (before lock), they are welcome to join.
expecting more than that seems to me to be unreasonable. if 20 people are on and can take a boss, they shouldnt have to wait until all 100 qualified players are around. i know that if i want more boss kills, i need to make some efforts to determine the rough spawn time, and make sure i am on more. When i decide to take a bike ride at 5pm est, i know full well i may not make a mordy spawn, and that is OK. During the winter i play an obscene amount and make lots of kills, during the summer, i make it to far fewer.
The only time you should really feel angered is if your own clannies don't notify you of a kill or you are specifically excluded from taking part. The beauty of our server is that we are inclusive and cooperative and allow all to join and have a chance - not that we go crazy making sure EVERYONE can be at every kill.
Civility, Integrity, and the Hermeneutic of Generosity
World: Lugh
Akbar: Ranger 220+
DrXyn-Druid 180+
Xyn: Mage 170+
Rabka: Rogue 150+
Rabak: Warrior 90+
Clan: Chieftain of Ancients