Many of you probably don't know who I am or don't even care, but I am just announcing I am returning to Celtic Heroes
I originally started playing about 2 months after the release of the game on Belenus. I loved the server and the people I played with. Unfortunately the cost of the game was too much and I had to quit. I returned when Meteoric armor was introduced and fell back in love. At this time I joined Arawn and leveled my rogue very slowly while enjoying the game on a casual basis. I grinded very hard from 80-100 and left the game at level 100. At this time dragon armor was just released. I left once again for lack of funds for the game.
Anyway, I am rejoining after finally having found a job and gathered enough money to start playing. I am happy to see my long time friend Lilith still playing on Arawn after all this time at the impressive level of 194 (sorry if I got that wrong). Also I see that BadaBing is no longer around. My dream was always to be a part of them.
It feels great to be back. See you all in-game!
Re: I'm back
#3It is a lot easier and save time. You don't need to use money but it helpsYou can only play ch if you got money?..
Level 100+ Rogue-s0up (active)
Level 42+ Mage-Myystic (serving as bank)
I have no idea what im doing.....
Level 42+ Mage-Myystic (serving as bank)
I have no idea what im doing.....
Re: I'm back
#4So you like it easyIt is a lot easier and save time. You don't need to use money but it helpsYou can only play ch if you got money?..
☬⌦ Lv.184 Archer
Re: I'm back
#5Easy in the way that with money you don't have to spend as much time leveling. So I don't mind if it is easy of not, I just don't like spending hours getting one level when I could spend money and get a few levels in an hourSo you like it easyIt is a lot easier and save time. You don't need to use money but it helpsYou can only play ch if you got money?..
Level 100+ Rogue-s0up (active)
Level 42+ Mage-Myystic (serving as bank)
I have no idea what im doing.....
Level 42+ Mage-Myystic (serving as bank)
I have no idea what im doing.....
Re: I'm back
#9OMG HEY, u prob don't remember me cuz I wus super nooby at the time but i prob saw u on a crappy alt anyways if it WASNT a crappy alt I'm ExtinctHeal, Interfectorem, and Shootatit. (Shoot-at-it) for all u ppl who like to say it shoot a tit lol. (Thanks Bradley) ._.Many of you probably don't know who I am or don't even care, but I am just announcing I am returning to Celtic Heroes
I originally started playing about 2 months after the release of the game on Belenus. I loved the server and the people I played with. Unfortunately the cost of the game was too much and I had to quit. I returned when Meteoric armor was introduced and fell back in love. At this time I joined Arawn and leveled my rogue very slowly while enjoying the game on a casual basis. I grinded very hard from 80-100 and left the game at level 100. At this time dragon armor was just released. I left once again for lack of funds for the game.
Anyway, I am rejoining after finally having found a job and gathered enough money to start playing. I am happy to see my long time friend Lilith still playing on Arawn after all this time at the impressive level of 194 (sorry if I got that wrong). Also I see that BadaBing is no longer around. My dream was always to be a part of them.
It feels great to be back. See you all in-game!
A person starts to live when he can live outside himself. - Einstein
God is subtle but he is not malicious. - Einstein
God is subtle but he is not malicious. - Einstein