Initial Debate Question (For - Homosexuality is wrong; Against - Homosexuality is
not wrong)
What is your guys's standpoint on the Bible saying that you can't be homosexual?
Argument 1: Against
Opinion-Controversial topic of homosexuality and the bible: Obviously the bible isn't written by just one person or by a more important factor, it IS NOT created by God. So, each and every one of us was created in the eyes of God. So if the bible is written from Christianity perspective then why would God create someone to be homosexual and then disapprove of this?
If God created us, why would He have homosexuality exist and condemn it?
Counter Argument 1: For
I believe homosexuality is just as sinful as any other sin. The Bible doesnt hold any sin higher than another (besides blasphemy). In Leviticus it says homosexuality is detestable. Thats pretty clear to me. I can find the reference if you would like.
Also, when God made Adam and Eve, man and woman, He said it was good. This to me means that God intended marriage to be between a man and a woman.
Also, in the New Testament Paul writes, "Do not even have a hint of sexual immorality." NOT EVEN A HINT. Not even a thought about sex that was other than God intended it to be.
The Bible states that "homosexuality is detestable". God intended marriage between a man and a woman, and thinking of sex which defies what God wanted is considered sinning.
Argument 2: Against
Why are there homosexual plants/animals? Did God decide only humans should be heterosexual but decided plants could be whatever they wanted?
Many species other than humans display homosexual behaviour. Why was there no mention of this in the Bible, and why do they exist in the first place?
Argument 3: Against
Homosexuality isn't an active choice that people take; thus, it should not be considered a sin, regardless of what the Bible says. If the Bible says that being short is a sin, then would you say that anyone born with medical dwarfism (such as Peter Dinklage) has sinned by simply existing? Do you think that the Bible should be everyone's moral compass?
A natural occurrence cannot be considered sinning.
Supportive Argument 3: Against
And then consider that you are condemning gays when they have no choice whatsoever in their sexual orientation, do you think someone likes being gay? Probs not. But threatening them for something they are born with is like threatening a black with slavery. Do you want to be THAT guy? No. Nobody wants to be THAT guy
Counter Argument 3: For
I will agree with you that some people can be born homosexual. But that still doesnt make it not a sin. Homosexuality is a sin and needs to be repented of just like any other sin. I am by no means a perfect person, I have sins I struggle with just like anyone else. But different people struggle with different sins, I struggle with things that a homosexual person might not struggle with, and vice versa. I have no basis to judge someones eternity, but God does. And from what He tells us, everyone has sinned and everyone deserves condemnation. But only through Jesus can we be saved and be with God forever.
Sinning is natural, therefore being born with a condition that the Bible classifies as wrong is still sinning.
Counter Argument 3: Against
Being born with a condition is not an act. If I was born with one leg, I didn't actually do something to not be able to run, it was a natural occurrence. The same way sinning is the act of disobedience against God's words, if people are born with homosexuality they didn't actually disobey anything. So no, with your definition, it does not make it a sin.
Sinning is defined as an act of disobedience. Being born with a condition is not acting, and cannot be considered as a sin.
Counter Argument 3: For
What I was saying is that even though people may be born homosexual, homosexuality is still a sin. Because we are born of sinful parents, that automatically makes us sinful too. You cant take two imperfect things and make something perfect. The Bible clearly says that ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. By nature we are all sinful. Just as we are human by nature.
Supported by: Romans 3:23
Humans are all sinful by nature, and must repent.
Supportive Argument 3: For
How is homosexuality a sin? No where in the bible did it say it is a sin unless I'm blind and it is actually in the bible.
The bible says and I quote "if a man beds down with another man as he would a women they have done a horrible thing, and should be put to death"
My point exactly, it is a sin only and only if you practice it.
Homosexuality is only a sin if it is practiced. Being homosexual is not by itself considered sinning.
It's a lot to take in, but here is where the debate currently lies:
My question: It does not make any sense for homosexuality to exist. Other sins such as murder or stealing possible have an incentive behind them, but homosexuality is considered natural and a trait gained from birth through genetics. Why does God bestow something that is condemned on people, knowing it is wrong?
Consider this list of Sins found throughout the Bible: ... 314AAt5Lnk
Skimming through, I could not see any which were naturally occuring.
A mage at heart... Fire mage that is.
Currently actively playing the game.