How will energy and marsh explain how they had gotten the new armor?
The MacClir camp in Shalemont sent out a request asking for more assistance. This was in part due to an increased presence of Connacht in area, but also the area had been experiencing a number of irregularities which threw the balance from the old stalemate to one of favor for the Connacht swarm. I had recently arrived, shipwrecked in Lir's Reach, when i heard the news. The MacClir's had rescued me and helped me recover, and so I felt it was my duty to aid their failing expedition in the only way I knew how, fire magic.
Many days had past before I was even experienced enough to enter Shalemont Ravine, let alone contribute in any reasonable way. My resolve, however, propelled me and kept me going. Through those long nights of training and constant fear of being overcome I only had one small consolation. It was constantly chatting with energyk and the restorative powers of tea. My only drive was the completion of my task.
When the time finally came for the final show down, I fought my way to the Connacht stronghold guarded by Atrisal and his guard. Guards poured out of the gates with an otherworldly fury, and many times I woke up at the leystones only to find myself crushed and beaten back. But with victory that close, I kept pressing on. Then finally the head of Luther rolled down the steps and down into the river. His minions and fiends finally let up if only for a short while.
When I returned to MacClir castle the Lord grabbed my blistered hand and greeted me warmly. To my suprise he informed me that I was not first to arrive in victory over the Connact, but one had already come to receive his due honor. My face fell, my heart saddened, and body began to feel the pains of combat. Then he did offer a token of gratitude. He told me that when the meteors that imbued normal monsters with a hellish fury landed in Lir's, his guards were able to collect various samples of these meteoric rocks. What they found at the core of the rocks was a crystalline material. This material was even stronger than metal. Although they currently have no knowledge of a use for these dense cores, he informed me that in appreciation for my service I was awarded a lesser core which may server me well in the future.