by Shmeds
I am not sure if this helps, so rangers please through out some comments about this.
I have 380 str
400 dex
50 focus
3.2k hp
I am trying to boost my dex up because the auto attack is 550-900. On a haste and sk every time I cast sharp shot doing 1k-1.5k my auto hits twice from one draw animation (3x if it misses). Using double attack my auto hits 3x from one draw animation and start off every mob with longshot doing 1.8k-2.5k. At 169 I am able to get one bar per 15 min lix session. I think no matter what rangers will be very slow to lvl (rouges at 169 can get 2.5-3.5bars using an sc) Now with all of this mentioned I feel it is fair since I still have only a bronze rejuv ammy. I don't want to through out my cash on heroic rejuv when I can get the 1mil ammy within a week of farming. This is based on solo lvling.
Last edited by
Shmeds on Mon Jun 23, 2014 7:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.