I have been very curious about why each vendor has a different sell value of items, Some sell gems higher than other others.
Which is your favorite vendor?
Who resells at the most gold?
I always resell all my items at the Stonevale Merchant who sell ancient armor and weapons.
Re: Resell Value of Vendors
#2Stop selling to the Stonevale Merchant because he's been ripping you off.I always resell all my items at the Stonevale Merchant who sell ancient armor and weapons.
1. The blacksmith vendor (the person located closest to the banker) in Farcrag Castle usually pays you the most gold.
2. The luxury vendor in Farcrag Castle pays an equal amount of gold as the blacksmith, but you must have 20k gold for access.
3. The Maclir armor vendor (the person located closest to the blacksmith) in Farcrag Castle usually pays the most for fashion items.
To my knowledge, checking these three castle vendors and selling your item(s) to the highest payer (depends on the item of course) will get you the most gold.
Edit: Just realized this is Android Discussion… what I said above is true for iOS. Can someone who has an Android please verify whether this is true?
Re: Resell Value of Vendors
#3This is true.

Re: Resell Value of Vendors
#4About number 3, Orla the witch who sells fashion used to buy my fashion charms for 25k each and that was the highest resell price I got, I'm not sure if it's still the same though.Stop selling to the Stonevale Merchant because he's been ripping you off.I always resell all my items at the Stonevale Merchant who sell ancient armor and weapons.
1. The blacksmith vendor (the person located closest to the banker) in Farcrag Castle usually pays you the most gold.
2. The luxury vendor in Farcrag Castle pays an equal amount of gold as the blacksmith, but you must have 20k gold for access.
3. The Maclir armor vendor (the person located closest to the blacksmith) in Farcrag Castle usually pays the most for fashion items.
To my knowledge, checking these three castle vendors and selling your item(s) to the highest payer (depends on the item of course) will get you the most gold.
Edit: Just realized this is Android Discussion… what I said above is true for iOS. Can someone who has an Android please verify whether this is true?
warrior 229
rogue 230
druid 228
ranger 228
mage 200
say no to dominant clans.
warrior 229
rogue 230
druid 228
ranger 228
mage 200
say no to dominant clans.
Re: Resell Value of Vendors
#5They added in a feature back in u3 that made vendors have different well back prices some will give u more for a certain item then another vendor. For any gems the lux shop pays the most for weapons and armor shoping around is the only option the blacksmith in the castle will buy some items for more but not all. For example i believe a glimmering bow sells for more in the town in lirs compared to any other place ( this example is only a broad example which could be wrong its been ages since i shopped around). Most players just sell everything to the lux shop while it doesnt give the most gold for some things it gives an average amount and the hassle to shop around for 10-20 more gold pieces isnt worth it.
Re: Resell Value of Vendors
#6I think weapon drops sell higher at carrow lux shop closest to lay as well. It is like 34-42g for shalemont weapons at castle lux shop and 52 at carrow lux shop, but castle lux is the way to go for unloading all of your unwanted items.Stop selling to the Stonevale Merchant because he's been ripping you off.I always resell all my items at the Stonevale Merchant who sell ancient armor and weapons.
1. The blacksmith vendor (the person located closest to the banker) in Farcrag Castle usually pays you the most gold.
2. The luxury vendor in Farcrag Castle pays an equal amount of gold as the blacksmith, but you must have 20k gold for access.
3. The Maclir armor vendor (the person located closest to the blacksmith) in Farcrag Castle usually pays the most for fashion items.
To my knowledge, checking these three castle vendors and selling your item(s) to the highest payer (depends on the item of course) will get you the most gold.
Edit: Just realized this is Android Discussion… what I said above is true for iOS. Can someone who has an Android please verify whether this is true?
Re: Resell Value of Vendors
#7This seems not to be true on android. I made a non-comprehensive comparison on items I had in my bag, between Fergus the Blacksmith, Ashlen McCroin (Shalemont Ravine), Brodi the Opportunist (Dustwither Catacombs) and Jurgyn the Smuggler (tavern) and found, Ashlen McCroin was paying the highest prize in almost all cases. I don't have access yet to the stonevale vendor, nor to the lux vendor at the castle, so I could not include them.Stop selling to the Stonevale Merchant because he's been ripping you off.I always resell all my items at the Stonevale Merchant who sell ancient armor and weapons.
1. The blacksmith vendor (the person located closest to the banker) in Farcrag Castle usually pays you the most gold.
2. The luxury vendor in Farcrag Castle pays an equal amount of gold as the blacksmith, but you must have 20k gold for access.
3. The Maclir armor vendor (the person located closest to the blacksmith) in Farcrag Castle usually pays the most for fashion items.
To my knowledge, checking these three castle vendors and selling your item(s) to the highest payer (depends on the item of course) will get you the most gold.
Edit: Just realized this is Android Discussion… what I said above is true for iOS. Can someone who has an Android please verify whether this is true?
Re: Resell Value of Vendors
#8the ow lux vendor resells for the most i believe.
Shana - lvl 184 Rogue
Hecate - lvl 152 Mage
Celestia - lvl 83 Warrior
Wilhelmina - lvl 77 Druid
Shana - lvl 184 Rogue
Hecate - lvl 152 Mage
Celestia - lvl 83 Warrior
Wilhelmina - lvl 77 Druid