Believe me he does, we banked 3 drops from tonights kill which no one wanted to bid for.He doesnt drop crap!
dex/vit rings for mages, druid defence totems, vit/foc warrior rings etc, etc, etc, really?
For this kind of a loot my defenition is definitely crap. End game players need additional points in stats
they currently using and not some alternative stats which are erelevant to the class they playing.
As OTM mentioned once that these are unique items which will help players to test an
alternative builds. So as an endgame player i'm not looking to test alternative builds, i'm looking
for a build which will help me take down endgame bosses more effectively. Since these bosses are
a plat sink and they require lots of high lvl players to kill, which is quite an effort from our clan leaders
to coordinate, i believe that most of us who attend to those fights are expecting to have better
than alternative build gear.