I have discussed with several and the input here. This is my proposal
grp 1 4-5 druids 1 tank NECRO
grp 2 3 warriors with offhand, 2 druids with offhand, 1 mage, and possibly 1 rogue with offhand. GHOSTS
grp 3 3 rogues, 2 mages, 2-3 rangers, 1 warrior NECRO (Will have to do acolytes on respawn)
grp 4 2 rogues, 2 mages, 2-3 rangers, 1 warrior NECRO (Will have to do acolytes on respawn)
grp 5 remainder ON FRONT BRIDGE ADDS This grp does not have to be full and does not have to have dl weps. These adds are pretty easy to kill. They must be pulled away from druids and out of aoe range.
grp 6 (if possible) all others on necro and fill in where needed. This can be a roam grp to assist where needed. They can help with adds, acolytes etc. When not assisting others, ON necro.
These are just suggestions, They can be modified depending on who shows and other input.
Skills need to be coordinated per class and grp.
1 mage for lures is good, all others need max damage.
Druids in tank grp. All need max lightning, 1 max vines, 1 max bees, 1 with max ice ward,
druids on ghosts, 1 max ice ward, bees, heal, and other protect skills.
rangers need 1 sharpen max per grp
rogue need 1 expose (I have 49 atm)
Warriors (ghost grp-rupture, Shield wall seemed to be very effective) Necro coordinate for max damage,
Acolytes need to be pulled away from necro on respawn. this would be done by ranger/warrior with kamanshi tactic. grps 3-4 must kill acolytes.
Azz's strategy for necro
#1Lukov lvl 205 rogue
Lukov4 lvl 199 druid
Lukov2 lvl 63 warrior able to shield bash Aggy
Helpfullukov lvl 197 mage. Part three of the lukov combo
skywalker1 lvl 100 ranger
Expansion update 4 & destiny beta tester
Lukov4 lvl 199 druid
Lukov2 lvl 63 warrior able to shield bash Aggy
Helpfullukov lvl 197 mage. Part three of the lukov combo
skywalker1 lvl 100 ranger
Expansion update 4 & destiny beta tester