Re: New Mordris Time??????
#21Nothing here about multiple resets in one day, because that was not the same day. This happened after an early morning reset, with no news of additional resets. Nice try though. :l
Are you serious Sarge? I am not sure why you continue to feel the need to insult the new Lugh player base who chose to value their time more than you do apparently and use lixes to level faster. You seem to feel entitled in the fact that you have been playing longer, or did not have the opportunity to use lixes early on. Get over yourself. These type of comments do nothing but make you look bad.Lots of noobs who lixed their way up pretty quick, so I not to familiar with the new high level players.
Do you apply the word "noob" to everyone or just new players to lugh who have out leveled you using lixes? My issue with you is not with lixing, but your apparent blatant rudeness to new players who have the same rights as you do.Yawn, say something Senta? Hmmm, still cant understand the written language it appears. One more time for the denser of the minds, lixes are good, use them myself. What I was inferring to, was the apparent and written sense of worth or entitlement you noobs feel you deserve. Again, lixes are good. Have a good one.
Can you expound on this? What are these entitlements you so talk of? The vagueness and inconsistency of ur statements riddles my poor head really...What I was inferring to, was the apparent and written sense of worth or entitlement you noobs feel you deserve.
ok but its how you say it that makes people take offense your saying it in a rude way same with all your old post now stop doing that, your annoying.I just pointed out after I returned that there was lots of high levels I didnt know.
trueok but its how you say it that makes people take offense your saying it in a rude way same with all your old post now stop doing that, your annoying.I just pointed out after I returned that there was lots of high levels I didnt know.
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