Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Red Alert - Level 1 impersonators

Well someone is back at it again. This is a person impersonating to be scarrr. He claims his main was banned 72 hours starting yesterday (not true saw scarrr on like 8 hours ago) and when i said to log his druid which he dual boxed with he said it was on the same acc and i caught him in his tracks. OTM please take care of this i have more screenshots of convo below but there is a 3 attachment maximum if you would like to see others pls tell me
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Shadowbolt3- 224 Rogue
Shadmistress- 188 Mage
Shadowbolt2- 113 Warrior (Retired)
Helaman- 157 Locker Rogue
ShadShot- 89 Ranger
Shadow Bolt- 82 Druid
Raganos- 100 Warrior
World: Crom
Proud member of Seed

Re: Red Alert - Level 1 impersonators

Not only are there low level scammers, there are also fake low level seed members claiming to have a grudge against people and making threats against us. Demanding items in return for being left alone.

For example, there was a level one cornflakes telling me that seed was out to get me and to not bother playing anymore unless I forked over something. I checked his level and immediately reported him. Be careful out there people. We live in a world of dishonest people.

Re: Red Alert - Level 1 impersonators

Not only are there low level scammers, there are also fake low level seed members claiming to have a grudge against people and making threats against us. Demanding items in return for being left alone.

For example, there was a level one cornflakes telling me that seed was out to get me and to not bother playing anymore unless I forked over something. I checked his level and immediately reported him. Be careful out there people. We live in a world of dishonest people.
U still didn't give me anything bri!! Ima GETCHA!
General of Seed - Crom
Druid 216+ & 130 something on Arawn retured in 2013
Rangers 221+ And 190+
Rogues 220+, 210+, 150+, 97+ & 150 on Arawn retired in 2013
Mage 214+
Warrior 218+

Ex member of Badabing, Celts, Uskoci & Serenity on Arawn

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