Hi, I am a 176 on Arawn and am wondering how to keep rogues and mages from pulling aggro when I am kiteing mobs?
I have 3/5 DL with an ancient wyrm bow and can't seem to hold aggro like I use to be able to at lower levels. I know bolas has high aggro potential and light heal seems to draw some aggro but when competing with other classes I just can't seem to keep it all that well.
Any other tips or tricks I am missing out on? All help would be appreciated. Thanks for reading.
Best way to hold aggro while kiteing?
#1HobinRood 176 Ranger
Scholar 121 Mage
Sabbath 108 Rogue
Server: Arawn Clan: Chosen (Gaurdian)
Scholar 121 Mage
Sabbath 108 Rogue
Server: Arawn Clan: Chosen (Gaurdian)