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Re: Elite

Soon, at least they are the closest to kill it on server, i didnt see it down yet but they've got some attempt, does all the servers have killed it yet ?

Re: Elite

chops point is true, but dumb none the less
" going to elite just to get geared" isnt it elites foundation?

strategy? you guys are taking a game too seriously. supposedly i agree that wg plat fest kills it, but im pretty sure at the initial stage of elite when carrow opened up, i bet you guys used asmuch plat as we do.
elites only strategy,according to me, is to waste your nolife time on bosses.

ofc elite has the upperhand on bosses,thats only beacause elite had the time to get geared with no other competition

likewise, i wouldnt be surprised if in elite chat we discovered that gens or clansmen were telling lies about wgs behavior. i must say your reply on the post shows that the truth hurt you. you side with logic, the only logic i see is trying to keep elites pride and hide the truth

my logic? i dont have one :P i just look it as a whole, irrespective of clan.

my recent post hasnt been against elite, its been for the merging with valid points. accept or dont accept, idc :D just stirring lies prolly might get ya to be a gen in elite :P
Fz - Druid - Lev 220 (Mabon)
Rainbowvuv - Rogue - Lev 190 (Mabon)

Proudly been in the clans Wolfgang and Insanity
~~Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?

Re: Elite

Whoa whoa whoa there choptroll, what's your in game name in elite? I mean you're definitely in elite or wanna get in very bad :P
And just an FYI, I just said that few gens and bal were the cause of elite ruining Mabon, not the whole of elite is at fault here. In fact most of the elite players are extremely nice and helpful people. Around 50% of elite was completely siding with me when bal stole my items and were ready to leave the clan because her shenanigans were getting out of hand at that time and when she went into my account and cleaned it, it almost would have lost elite it's #1 spot in Mabon.
And I don't know where you're getting your info but yeah she did clean out my account by taking around 6 mill worth lux and almost 8 mill in dkp items which I paid for and got all for a false accusation.if you don't believe me, ask any clansman or recruit in elite itself and they will tell you the truth :)
Corleone lvl 193 Warrior - Tank. Robbed of my items and forced to quit.
Hrungnir lvl 175 Warrior - Dps.

Ex - Elite


Re: Elite

first thing first
Fz: ofc we all start somewhere but hopefully we evolve ,and change what we are doing on bosses according to what we have i didnt see any of it on wg !
what is elite strategy ? nolife time ? what about wg sharing acc because they are too lazy to camp and actually work to get things

maybe some are lying on each others behaviours but we can all make our own opinion by watching what they are doing and saying ... doesnt take a genius to just observe
and stiring lies ? really ? that's your defense ? " no i'm not lying, you are ! " ?? well i will use the same then ... see if it leads us nowhere :)

Corl if you really get hacked support should have banned the responsible , and i really doubt you'd even got your account back dont you think ?

Thing is, we asked every single one of them still cant figure who exactly is your ally ?
you are loosing credibility , just sayin ...

Re: Elite

I never ever said I got hacked, I gave balboa my account details so that she can go into my account and check to see of there was a yellow crown which apparently I stole. She said she would not take any items from my account but she did anyways and she she stole millions and millions of gold worth items. I mean you would expect this sort of behaviour from a known scammer or a thief but the leader of the top clan in Mabon? And the worst part is people like you still pray and bow down to her.
Corleone lvl 193 Warrior - Tank. Robbed of my items and forced to quit.
Hrungnir lvl 175 Warrior - Dps.

Ex - Elite


Re: Elite

And if you expect me to give out names to the people who almost left elite when I was robbed, you're gonna be waiting for ever cause I'm not gonna give out their names and watch them get grilled and shouted at by bal and her gens ;) but yeah mecki and d5 were 100% against her actions when she did it. I'm giving you their names cause they already left and aren't playing in fear of balboa
Corleone lvl 193 Warrior - Tank. Robbed of my items and forced to quit.
Hrungnir lvl 175 Warrior - Dps.

Ex - Elite


Re: Elite

Soon, at least they are the closest to kill it on server, i didnt see it down yet but they've got some attempt, does all the servers have killed it yet ?
I'm sorry. You say your the best clan but even with all your efforts you can't take down the hardest boss in game?

Re: Elite

yep here we go again.
lol im surprised at the ironic statement u made in that post wg sharing an account..thats wow...well i suppose balb doesnt share accounts too huh the fact that corls account got scammed/hacked whatever you want to call it, shows that ofc elite is sharing accounts none the less. and idk if its true but i hear balb knows tidus id too so i dont see how you can blame wg for account sharing :P

actually work to get things? what does that line even mean? ofc we work to get things, dl bosses dont kill themselves and hand u the drop, you work for it.
you say wg hasnt evolved? must have already evolved,or still trying to
but omg i bet elite killed dl bosses at the start with a hard competition huh.

really what you are saying is totally ironic in any way possible.

and where did "im not lying,you are" come from? it doesnt sound like anything ive said in my posts at all.

in my recent posts, as i said, i havent sided with any clan untill this post because you are saying stuff without even thinking what elite is doing.

im not scared to admit what wg does right or wrong. havent denied anything till now did i? :P

i rest my case,im not gonna do more posts that make stuff worse
i came, i agreed with other ppl with the merging to be better,and i left
never was my individual opinion on the merge topic.
Fz - Druid - Lev 220 (Mabon)
Rainbowvuv - Rogue - Lev 190 (Mabon)

Proudly been in the clans Wolfgang and Insanity
~~Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?

Re: Elite

Yeah just FYI for all those who don't know and if any mods or devs reading this, Balboa, Tidus, Z, Weezy007, XdeadeyeX and Moii share accounts all the time and even when I was in elite I used to send multiple tickets to OTM about this and I'm sure at least 100 other people on Mabon have sent in thousands of tickets about this and no action has been taken yet :) good job OTM :) and btw no one else in elite shares accounts besides these names I wrote on and I'm not sure but maybe just maybe I think I've missed out some gens names but honestly when I was in elite I can assure you that none of the clansmen or guardians or recruits shared accounts for the devs reading this :)
Corleone lvl 193 Warrior - Tank. Robbed of my items and forced to quit.
Hrungnir lvl 175 Warrior - Dps.

Ex - Elite


Re: Elite

Omg my bad how can I forget! Runandsteal and Azazal and I think bluntman and his Druid but I'm not completely sure on bluntman but they rest yeah 100% they account share so yw and OTM, if you really follow your rules and regulations you have to ban these players cause they've been account sharing for at least the past 2 years :)
Corleone lvl 193 Warrior - Tank. Robbed of my items and forced to quit.
Hrungnir lvl 175 Warrior - Dps.

Ex - Elite


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