This is my favorite topic because I actually know the truth. Unfortunately ChosenOnes are jealous of Defiant. They ks and lose due to jealousy. I don't like Defiant because they're the best. I like them because they play this game to have fun and become the best. I dislike ChosenOnes because they are very stubborn and jealous. When ChosenOnes first started their rules were, "Don't buy discs because that makes us look weak" and, "Don't interact with Defiant because that makes them better".
Hahahah Fuzz you crack me up
oh yep you know the truth oh yes you sure do.
ok firstly... We arent jealous of defiant we do everything they do, we had the first full druid and ranger upgraded armour before they did, we both can do the same bosses without the need to ks , purely just them/ourselves. But when either clan does attempt to ks to me it just seems an easier way to get some extra tab,rems or discs and not doing it out of jealousy (dont even know why or how YOU can say anything, you were in defiant for what like maybe less then 2 weeks and us maybe just a week).
alrighty now for secondly... Yeah maybe our rule was " Dont buy discs because it makes us look weak ", well... that rule was put in place to save members their money on buying discs when we already had mass load of discs in storage and would be given to ppl over time and progressed through the game. Also we didnt need to depend on defiant to feed us we wanted to feed ourselves to look strong not some cheap short cut like BlackRose has started to do identified by the shouts from ur members.
thirdly... "Dont interact with defiant because it makes them better" um ok just pull that out of ur a$$ y dont ya? I interact with defiant only few coz some seem to have a grudge against me but anyways... i dont care if any member socializes with defiant, i dont like to be bossy and dont mind members being free, i hate orders i really do and dont want to inflict them onto clan.
Finally... Chosenones is about having fun too but when its time to play a little more seriously we will buckle down for the work
so all that just goes to show how much u know in those departments