by leviathanite
Update: Okay so apparently, I'm going to clarify things a bit because some people think I drew this. Allow me to make this abundantly clear: I did NOT draw this picture by ANY means! As I said, I am a horrible drawer. This was taken from Google Images. And this is why. So one day, I was reading a Percy Jackson book (Great series by the way) and I came upon a part where the trio in the story meet a big three-headed dog named Cerberus. And then I thought, "Wouldn't that make a cool mount." But you see, Cerberus is a Greek myth, so I couldn't use it in this competition. So I thought of taking Cerberus and instead of him being a dog, I decided to make a dragon. So I went to Google Images and searched up, "How to draw a three headed dragon", as a way to help me draw it myself. I found a picture, found below, that I thought looked cool. So I started drawing it. It was horrible. I tried nearly ten times to draw it myself and they were absolute failures. So I thought, maybe I could describe the staff to them, the Celtic Heroes team, and I could show them the picture so it could give them a visual to help them make it into the game, which I did, written below. So yes, it was my idea to have a three headed dragon staff, but the picture was drawn by someone else. I did NOT draw it. I just simply used to inspire myself, and since that did not work out, I decided to put it into this post so the Celtic Heroes team can take a look and give them a visual for what I want my staff to look like. If I were to win, they could use the picture and my description of my staff to help them mold the staff and shape it into the game. Thanks for reading this. I just had to clarify to some people *ahem* because they thought I had cheated and this was my drawing, but obviously they hadn't read what I said. So to those of you, who think I am a cheater, reread this and I hope it will clear some things up. Thank you.
This was my idea but I can't draw at all whatsoever, so this picture was my inspiration. It might be a little troubling putting it into a staff form but what I was thinking was this: the three heads out front, a dragon tail behind it, a fin or two in the middle, and maybe wings on the side [If you don't want the wings, I understand]. The name of the staff would be Three-Headed Lizard Staff (I figured I couldn't use Dragonstaff or Serpentstaff so...) Description would be: This terrifying lizard staff was crafted in the most remote and darkest corners of the world. It harnesses the power of the sun through its skin to hurl flaming wrath upon unlucky foes.
I don't know if you want me to put ideas for the damage and such, but if you do, here is the very basic one:
5% Movement Speed, 5 heat, 10 slash
Thanks! I appreciate you taking your time to read this!!!
Last edited by
leviathanite on Sat Aug 02, 2014 3:23 am, edited 3 times in total.
- CHidea2.jpg (26.35 KiB) Viewed 3390 times
"I dreamt that I realized I was dreaming, dreamt that I was affecting the course of my dream, and then dreamt that I woke myself up by telling myself to wake up." - Professor Norman Malcolm
Name: LucidDreamer
World: Taranis