This was my idea but I can't draw at all whatsoever, so this picture was my inspiration. It might be a little troubling putting it into a staff form but what I was thinking was this: the three heads out front, a dragon tail behind it, a fin or two in the middle, and maybe wings on the side [If you don't want the wings, I understand]. The name of the staff would be Three-Headed Lizard Staff (I figured I couldn't use Dragonstaff or Serpentstaff so...) Description would be: This terrifying lizard staff was crafted in the most remote and darkest corners of the world. It harnesses the power of the sun through its skin to hurl flaming wrath upon unlucky foes.
I don't know if you want me to put ideas for the damage and such, but if you do, here is the very basic one:
5% Movement Speed, 5 heat, 10 slash
Thanks! I appreciate you taking your time to read this!!!
HE took it from ... p?id=11251 you should disqualify this cheater
here the proof ... p?id=11252