Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Question about the Rez Idol Nerf Debate

When bosses have 5 adds that can all AoE 1k+, if you die at all and spawn with 1k Health, you're done. 1 of those AoE's will come in and 1-hit you before a druid can even get a heal off (assuming theirs 1 druid per every 3 toons, being generous).
Handle the adds? Back off if you have 1k hp?
Like I said, the game isnt about zerging. iOS players will have to play smarter.
I think those who have played other MMOs with harsher death penalties don't mind this change much.
I also disagree with this. I've played MMO's with ridiculously harsh death penalties (lose all of your gear and gold) and I've also played ones comparable to CH. The main difference is that the MMO's with harsh death penalties, are also harder to die in, and don't require you to rely on 30 other people to play their roles for you to stay alive.
Fair enough. Never said everyone. Players who are used to dying in CH just dont bother to stay alive. Thats why they think dying is so "easy" when really it doesnt take that much effort to stay alive.

There are two types of people in this world: Those who crave closure

A business is more profitable if they don't gouge and piss off customers.

Re: Question about the Rez Idol Nerf Debate

Everyone with all these idol topics has forgot about the griefing aspect of this topic. Sure clans can figure out and over come the new idol system, but if the game has no dungeon aspect, and every part of quest gear replies on a public open face world, then clan wars and server griefing will just be double the trouble or fun for others.

Also i think we should be given an option of what idols we want to use at the time, give it two button for selecting to use a res idol, one for each type if u have. Why can the game dictate what item i want to use if i have two different types, sure u want to flush the old ones out, but if ur gonna then just switch everyones idols so ur not further giving old established players even more of an upper hand.

Re: Question about the Rez Idol Nerf Debate

What is said here is one of the biggest problems in the upcoming future. All aspiring clans need druids too, as was said above, they are essential. End game clans know this. Guess what? Now they take all the druids from aspiring clans. Why would the druids accept? Dl, aggy and mordy drops.... And since these aspiring clans will not be able to kill dl, how will they keep druids?... The only solution is for everyone to lvl a druid, then make it ur new main when endgame clans recruit u :D
I think it depends on the clan. I can see your point though, players who play druids who aren't loyal to the clan they're in and simply want to get end-game loot faster will jump ship. But that can be said of any class. Such is the challenge of any clan or guild in an MMO. If you cant keep your members, you wont go anywhere. And thats true for any game. Have you played any other game where you don't need healer classes to fight bosses? Ive played EQ Classic, DAoC, WoW, OaC, and healer classes are always needed. This is the only game Ive played where its optional if you're willing to pay, and I think OTM realizes that it's broken and took steps to fix it.

There are two types of people in this world: Those who crave closure

A business is more profitable if they don't gouge and piss off customers.

Re: Question about the Rez Idol Nerf Debate

I fail to see how being forced to buy many sigils, use regen lixes, and spam restos more often makes the game more strategic.
Lol? ... Obviously they want you to rely on allies and skills . Not your consumables
This game is based around consumables.... You can't take Mordris and Necro without, and couldn't take Hrungnir and Agy without. I don't think relying on Allies and Skills is the case.. When bosses have 5 adds that can all AoE 1k+, if you die at all and spawn with 1k Health, you're done. 1 of those AoE's will come in and 1-hit you before a druid can even get a heal off (assuming theirs 1 druid per every 3 toons, being generous).

Is death penalty being removed? This, partnered with death penalty and idol timer, is ridiculous. It's like OTM thought up 1 way to prevent it, added another and are now adding a third. They need 1 precise system that works for not zerging bosses if that's the way they want to go.. Not just keep adding things to make it harder and harder.
I think those who have played other MMOs with harsher death penalties don't mind this change much.
I also disagree with this. I've played MMO's with ridiculously harsh death penalties (lose all of your gear and gold) and I've also played ones comparable to CH. The main difference is that the MMO's with harsh death penalties, are also harder to die in, and don't require you to rely on 30 other people to play their roles for you to stay alive.

I hate the direction that this game is going in - easy to die, harsher death penalties, more of a struggle for new players, and I genuinely do think it's because of loud feedback from end-game, dominant-clan players.
Exactly! This is what I've been trying to get through all the pro-nerf players heads. YOU DIE TOO EASY. In other games if there's a penalty like you said (ie. Runescape), It's harder to die... You don't get killed by 2 crushing blows from a troll...

Re: Question about the Rez Idol Nerf Debate

Players who are used to dying in CH just dont bother to stay alive. Thats why they think dying is so "easy" when really it doesnt take that much effort to stay alive.
You say this as a full tank warrior, I'm sure with some of the best survivability gear in the game (and most likely many sigils).. I don't die much on my Tank either. Other classes (without camo) even struggle to get down the paths to sreng/snorri without dying.. I know without my Sigils, I would.
RAPIDx - 225 Rogue
Rhiannon GameChanger

Some Guy - 220 Rogue
Epona Prodigy

Re: Question about the Rez Idol Nerf Debate

Players who are used to dying in CH just dont bother to stay alive. Thats why they think dying is so "easy" when really it doesnt take that much effort to stay alive.
You say this as a full tank warrior, I'm sure with some of the best survivability gear in the game (and most likely many sigils).. I don't die much on my Tank either.
I play a mage and rogue as well. And Ceinwen has less deaths than me and she is a squishy lvl 200+ druid. Rangers probably has the best chance to survive any boss encounter.

Just gotta play smart.
. Other classes (without camo) even struggle to get down the paths to sreng/snorri without dying.. I know without my Sigils, I would
Doesnt anyone realize that OTMs original intention since OW update is to create a "gauntlet" like challenge to get to a boss spot? They removed the camo charm exactly for this reason. So that players just dont simply bypass enemies along the way. They want to make players fight through or run in groups just to get there. Why do you think all the pathways leading to Aggy, Mordris, Snorri/Sreng, Hrung and Necro are filled with mobs in narrow pathways that can aggro and kill you?
Last edited by Aileron on Thu Aug 14, 2014 8:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

There are two types of people in this world: Those who crave closure

A business is more profitable if they don't gouge and piss off customers.

Re: Question about the Rez Idol Nerf Debate

I fail to see how being forced to buy many sigils, use regen lixes, and spam restos more often makes the game more strategic.
Lol? ... Obviously they want you to rely on allies and skills . Not your consumables
This game is based around consumables.... You can't take Mordris and Necro without, and couldn't take Hrungnir and Agy without. I don't think relying on Allies and Skills is the case.. When bosses have 5 adds that can all AoE 1k+, if you die at all and spawn with 1k Health, you're done. 1 of those AoE's will come in and 1-hit you before a druid can even get a heal off (assuming theirs 1 druid per every 3 toons, being generous).

Is death penalty being removed? This, partnered with death penalty and idol timer, is ridiculous. It's like OTM thought up 1 way to prevent it, added another and are now adding a third. They need 1 precise system that works for not zerging bosses if that's the way they want to go.. Not just keep adding things to make it harder and harder.
I think those who have played other MMOs with harsher death penalties don't mind this change much.
I also disagree with this. I've played MMO's with ridiculously harsh death penalties (lose all of your gear and gold) and I've also played ones comparable to CH. The main difference is that the MMO's with harsh death penalties, are also harder to die in, and don't require you to rely on 30 other people to play their roles for you to stay alive.

I hate the direction that this game is going in - easy to die, harsher death penalties, more of a struggle for new players, and I genuinely do think it's because of loud feedback from end-game, dominant-clan players.
100% agreed with BLRD. It is far too easy to die in this game compared to others with harsh death penalties, in those usually u never die unless fighting a big boss, here u can die in seconds just from a regular mob...
#NerfIdolsCutBossHP #DecreaseRaidWindows

Re: Question about the Rez Idol Nerf Debate

I dont know why you guys keep saying its so easy to die to a regular mob so you must have idols to kill them. Maybe you are fighting mobs way over your level? Perhaps you are undergeared for your level? Maybe you put all your stat points in str and have a crappy 10 vit build? Maybe you are fighting mobs in the middle of a room full of enemies? Maybe your druid thinks he or she is a mage and keeps dpsing when they should be healing? Lots of reasons why people die and it has nothing to do with idols being in the game.

There are two types of people in this world: Those who crave closure

A business is more profitable if they don't gouge and piss off customers.

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