by LadyNymeria
None of our generals are selling dl drops. This was done as a joke, screwing around with one of our former members just for a laugh. In hindsight it probably wasnt the best idea of a joke, but people dont always think in the moment. The gold on newstuff was collected two ways: people in Mordris kill group send in the gold and one of our more generous clannies donated to the bank. This gold is used to buy alts rebirths and elixirs that may be needed at end game boss fights. If someone needs to alt, general logs bank and hands them a book. End of story on the banks gold.
Last edited by
LadyNymeria on Mon Aug 25, 2014 9:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Level 230+ Rogue
General of Ascension
LadysHeart Level 220+ Druid
Level 220+ Ice Mage Valyria
Heartsbane 220+ Warrior
Level 220+ Ranger Sweet Tansy
Dreamfyre Level 220+ Lure Mage
190 Locker Rogue Catspaw