by Landoril
I used to use cruel knife a lot, so much fun. But eventually you get to the level where your normal weapons dmg with the strength multiplier make it less than useful.
However if a mob casts a lot of effects and you use.a lot of skills yourself then it might be worth trying it for a comparison. Your damage would come from skills and if you were a Dex build you would probably interrupt all the mobs skills.
A similar effect (with better auto damage) is from a Dex Knuckleblade build. More dmg, a little less interrupts.
There are a few Forum posts where they used the Dmg / DPS formula to show cruel knife failed after a certain level against slower weapons.
Just my opinion.
Landoril 221 Ranger
Denoril 170 Rogue
Hateril. Hat holder
Pageril...well you get the idea
Epona (The little server that could)