I originally wanted to include as much of LUGH as we could to help kill Necro, so when outlining groups I suggested 180. I was wrong.
Our First and Fourth Necro's were not successful due to Necro being able to lifesteal from too many. On both of these attempts, we had groups of ppl doing thier own thing and getting too close, we even had some under level 150 flying around dragging skeletal knights with them.
The plan that we have used works, ONLY if ppl work as a team.
If you dont know your group responsibilies, you need to ask PRIOR to getting into groups to go fight. If you don't know the difference between a zombie and a skeletal knight, STAY AWAY!.
I am not saying this to be mean, but if you don't know the plan you are NOT helping, you are actually hurting the effort.
We have set the times well in advance, so you will know when.
On the first three musters, I outlined the groups and responsiblites, the last attempt I don't think I did as good a job on getting ppl organized, On our next scheduled Necro, I will do my best to to better. At the same time, if you are there to kill Necro, I need your attention and cooperation please.
There will only be TWO groups close to Necro, PERIOD. Since only two groups we must use those that can do the most damage.
I have tried to use the 180-185 on zombies, but EVERY battle it's the same, I have to stop healing and keep telling ppl to stop killing what they are killing and go kill the zombies. Now, there are some awesome players that are in this 180-185 area, and I have relied on you to do specific jobs and you have done a remarkable job, thank you, but too many others have spoiled the inclusion.
It was put out during the grouping as to what they should be doing ... Epic fail.
If LUGH votes to put level req at 185, I would love to be able to use these same ppl in the roles that they have performed so very well.
Once we all get used to the group make-up and procedures, it will get easier, and as with Mordris, we can discuss changes to help us improve.
Thank you all for your support and efforts.
Re: Why Necro should be 185+ level req
#2+1 randall hehe. Btw i heard that some noobs intentionally went into lifesteal zone to mess up the fight? It's a shame.
Re: Why Necro should be 185+ level req
#3In epona dl armor is required for necro he heals an extra 5k if u dont have dl, also ghost only take divine dmg, and lvl req is 180+