Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Higher Lvl Douches

So why is it that all the higher levels are such douches i wanna know. I asked A lvl 130 *no name* how hard it was to get into Stonevale (since im kinda a noob not really) since i was really curious and he looked so powerful and he told me to go *insults and profanities removed*. Is that what higher lvl players are about???

Re: Higher Lvl Douches

Hi Kevin.never heard of that guy and I'm a lvl 128 warrior. He's sounds like an asshat so block him.its a rare thing to see someone like that.most high lvl players are happy to help out new players as we were all there at one stage.we don't like people begging for gold and money that's our only thing.but if youbwant help dude plenty will help. To name a few that will advise:

Myself - Lordspector
Micheal xxx
Artur harries
Phantom menace
Virak Reese and virak hunter
Antonio Mac
Nukeem harder and plenty more.join a clan dude too if nor in one already :)

Re: Higher Lvl Douches

Renaming this forum would probably be a good thing lol
How about naming it to : High Levels - a disposable feminine cleansing product one might use on a summer's eve, and the bag it came in
Tatersalad - Warrior (Balor)
Treefitty - Ranger (Balor)
Dirtnap - Rogue (Balor)

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