If OTM create one or all of this 3 skills, Spear Ranger can rivalize with Spear Warrior and Rogue and be a good build for ranger lvl1-180
Spear Throw: dmg skill same as Longshot with distance req
Good concept, however there is a slight problem after you throw your spear. Your enemy has your weapon now…
In the typical battle scenario, a fighter who throws a spear then takes out a weaker secondary weapon (sword for example) and continues fighting with that. The spear isn't retrieved until the battlefield has settled.
After throwing the spear, the ranger
must approach within melee distance of the enemy and pick it back up.
Though, in a game where quivers have infinite arrows, I suppose this matter could be brushed off as a minor technicality. All spears could be "enchanted boomerangs" and somehow return to the rangers hand.
-Defense: same as defensive formation or the rogue skill with the the blue hand i dont remenber the name. We tank the mob like a rogue or a warrior but we dont have def buff skill.
- Rage strike: heavy dmg when mob hp is under 50%.
Duplicate functionality—I think that classes should have unique skills. If rangers have fast reflexes and assassinate, that blends the line between rogues and rangers.
Why not rename Rage Strike to Crippling Strike? Prevents target from using any skills for X seconds. Make it instant cast and guaranteed interruption.
This would make rangers even more important for boss fights. The skill might need a nerf for PvP, though.