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Lugh's ARENA Decorum

There seems to be some misunderstanding on how we observe the line priority at the arena. So, let me ask for help for clarity and to see if my understanding is correct. Feel free to enlighten me, please.


1. Plain wait
This is the simplest one, where you arrived first and stay until the gladiator spawns, you kill and you are done with quest.

2. Lag
You have been waiting and is first in line but you got a crappy connection and you have been lagging. Do you lose your turn when you lag? How long is the acceptable time for a lag?

For this instance, I often observe players announce that they are laggy to give other people an idea they might lose connection anytime. Most players I know respects this and still let the laggy player get the kill to finish quest.

My question here is, HOW LONG IS AN ACCEPTABLE LAG?

Happened to me twice already. I was second in line then first player logs off and was back more than 5 minutes after. He says his app crashed so I let him have the gladiator. The second time player logs for more than 10 minutes and comes back saying he lagged. I have noticed when a player lags an hourglass normally shows on top his/her head or he/she starts passing through walls or just weird things happen to his/her toon. I did not see any of these and just did not trust this player at all, so I took the glad.

3. Lixing to train abilities
You are first in line but you wanna make your wait productive so you decide to train your abilities.

I guess, everyone knows you cannot lix inside the arena. When I do lix for training, I ask the next person waiting if it is OK if I go out to put on a lix and of course come back immediately. I wait for the person next in line to say that it is ok before I leave.

What if there no one next to you? If this is the case, I would suggest to get a witness preferrably one in the arena as well so that if someone pops up then you got back up that you just lixed and was indeed waiting. Another option will be to ask a friend to hold the line for you, if this will be the case, he/she must be the appropriate level for waiting on the glad (not sure on this one though).

4. Proxy waiting
You got another person who is of appropriate level waiting the line for you.

Is this allowed at all?

5. Two toons for the same person
If both the toons are in the arena waiting, I guess it is ok. But if only one toon is there I think the second toon should follow the order of line for courtesy to other players.

Please feel free to share your inputs. It is annoying how players fight over the priority on a gladiator. This normally ends up with them calling friends and clannies to fight over the line which is in my opinion a complete waste of time and resources.

Thanks for taking time to read on this.
World: LUGH
Class: Mage(reytch)-Rogue(OnceBitten)-Druid(TwiceShy)
Level: 221-223-205

World: EPONA
Clan: SizeMatters
Class: Mage(Mahikera/Niebe/ChocolateMastah)-Rogue(Balisong)-Druid(Albularya)-Warrior(Mandarangan)-Ranger(Palaso)
Level: 225/224/170-224-233-226-225

Relax folks...everything RESPAWNS!
I'm a MIRROR, how I treat you is a mere reflection of how you are to me.


Re: Lugh's ARENA Decorum

I like it, wish they did this in morrigan tho... No more arena fights between 2 best clans
And with the lag, i'd say stay closer to ur internet router :P (maybe 5/10 min ish max waiting till u can get his place in the line)



Re: Lugh's ARENA Decorum

"Even the sadness of the people was more beautiful and moreover it via the window,
You, my friend, there is only one certainty, it is necessary to end this sadness,
You need to invent new love". ;)

By Tom jobim
World: LUGH
Clan: Gen. of TheHobnobbers
Class: Mage
Name: Daw
Level: 191

be cool, I'm good people

Re: Lugh's ARENA Decorum

In epona someone could dual log five people so...he had them all wait in line...at ragnor...

Not a happy day for me. lol
200 Allymia Rogue
Clan - Underground - Guardian Rank - Home of the noob, Paulweller

"If you aren't sinning; you aren't having fun." ;) ~ Priest

Re: Lugh's ARENA Decorum

I lagged out at killain last night, was out like 2 mins and came back to xshawnx waiting. I just left to avoid argument. Seems like a pointless discussion, ask the person waiting in line if it's okay if you can have your spot back or leave

[list][*]Vulture - Level 220 Rogue
[*]Venus - Level 195 Druid[/list][/color]

Re: Lugh's ARENA Decorum


if you are lagged long enough that someone else comes to the arena and legitimately thinks they are first, then i think you lost your spot. if there are others there who saw you lose your connection and you were only gone for a few moments, then you keep your spot. I say this because if you lagg when alone and someone else is there when you return, there is no real way to verify. of course you can explain the situation and hopefully the other player will give you your spot back.

if you lagg for too long (i use 5 minutes as a reasonable guide) - then i think you are out of luck.

Not Waking Up:

if you are first and their is a spawn, you need to react in a reasonable amount of time. others in line should be telling him to wake up. I usually do a countdown. Trading the person sometimes works. If, after reasonable attempts to wake the person, there is no response, then the next person in line can start.

for me, i will generally give up my killain if the original person 'wakes up' - assuming i am not nearly done and assuming i know i can xfer the lock to them (if there are 10 people helping, i will not log toward the end since the lock wont go to who i intended).

If you miss your killain due to 'sleeping' you are simply next to get him.


personally, i think you should not have mulitple toons in line for killain at the same time. After you do one toon, put your next at the end of the line. It is already horrid having to wait an hour, having to wait 2 hrs, for one player, is fairly upsetting. Killain is too rare a spawn to simply be dominated by one person for 1-2 hours in a row.


as reytch said, ask the others in line with you


ask before you hit

Saving someone's place:

NEVER. if you want to leave, fine, you are making a choice to do something else. But no one can save your spot and you cannot give it up for someone else (except the next person in line i suppose). Getting your Killain is all about camping, saving someone's space is unfair to those who are camping. I would say this goes for alts also, camp the alt that you want to have the kill (obviously this one isnt quite enforceable since alts can help each other and outsiders cannot know who got the medal - but common courtesy says stand in line for who is doing the quest).

thanks reytch for starting this thread.
Civility, Integrity, and the Hermeneutic of Generosity

World: Lugh
Akbar: Ranger 220+
DrXyn-Druid 180+
Xyn: Mage 170+
Rabka: Rogue 150+
Rabak: Warrior 90+
Clan: Chieftain of Ancients

Re: Lugh's ARENA Decorum

I agree with what has been said except for the alt situation.

It seems that the idea of putting one of the toons at the end of the line has been accepted without any debates or discussions with some concerned people. Frankly, I don’t understand why people see only the player behind the characters and not the characters as separate entities.

What’s the difference in terms of time when you see a line of 3 characters played by 3 different people or played by two persons ? You would wait exactely the same amount of time because there are 3 toons in front of you regardless of who’s behind the toons. Let’s say you could wait up yo 4 hours because Killain spawns unfortunately at a very slow spawn rate when you just arrive in Arena.

Now, for the people who have 2 alts or more and have multi devices that you might also be: for one alt, you can spend 4 hours waiting, and for the second alt another 4 hours if you’re not lucky. Some people can play over 8 hours as I did in the past or by being afk during working hours (unfortunately, we’re not really giving good examples to the children. We would not like them to play during classes…). Now I struggle to even have 4 long hours to play.

At then end of the day, all the players would have done Killain, and only those who have alts would have spent twice as much time, and certainly too much time. The big losers of this solution are the multi device players, which is apparently already the case.
And if the multi device players want to do tree quest, they will send them one by one … Add up 2 more hours for tree…
My druid being full support, like other druids (but some are hybrids), I can barely solo a one star tree or it takes 5 mn to kill it, I can’t solo the 2 stars being full support. Support druids are so helpless…

If you consider the player behind each alt: you first kill one of the gladiators (ex Balmon), then queue for next gladiator (ex Ragnor), to finally queue for Killain. For me, this is not logical.

If you consider the characters as different entities and not as one player, the player with many devices could queue or do Ragnor, Balmon and Killain at the same time and by respecting the line's order.

Moreover, I miss most of the Mordrys and Necro fights because of the time gap. 3 PM EST means 3 AM in China, 5 AM in Australia. Those fights schedule have never been convenient for Asian and Australian players but I am not requesting to change the schedule anymore.
I want to say, with the example of the bosses, that there is already no interest of leveling toons to high levels if we cannot do bosses to get good gears for them; but if we need to spend 10 hours to do dailies for 2 toons, then where is the interest of playing the game? Isn’t it already enough disadvantageous for Asian players?

Willing to put in line 2 toons, is this really a problem of courtesy in Arena? I would consider on the contrary that this is not fair at all to ask to redo the line.
If you feel uneasy to see 2 toons of the same player queuing for Killain, would you feel uneasy too for the people who miss all Mordrys and Necros?

Someone who has 3 toons over 190 (wow you did a great job !) told me today that all Lugh agreed on having alts redoing the line. On one hand, I would not mind at all that this "someone" lines up all her 3 toons for Killain as I would consider each toon as individually and separated entities played by someone who did a great job leveling them.
On the other hand, unless I missed some comments, I did not see any vote or general decision taken out of this idea.

Well, I want to hear Lugh’s voice since Lugh has always been the best server by solving problems through democratic decisions. I hope that you will also remember the loss of the player who had 3 druids…

Thanks !

Re: Lugh's ARENA Decorum

I for one hope otm is reading this and will take into consideration the spawn time for Killlain is ridiculous! I hate going into there with even one toon let alone my support druid. I've waited with my rogue for 2 hours multiple times. I've seen Ragnor spawn several times and see people go in and out while im still waiting to do my daily. As far as multiple toons trying to get in and done.....i havent a comment as i see the overall problem is with how often Killain even spawns. Maybe if otm will fix this issue the overall issue of people waiting in line will go away.

Re: Lugh's ARENA Decorum

well, nothing has been decided - but most players who have alts do not wait them both in line at the same time. Azz put me onto the idea on lining up once the first is done. I think it is just courtesy. There are many places in our rules where alts are not considered fully separate (like how many drops you can get). sometimes we consider the alts, sometime the player. I think, in the arena, it is considerate to have only one in line at a time.

lets hear from other people who use alts and can dual-device. then after we get some thoughts, we can hold a vote if we need to.

PS: while boss timings, dicing policy, and other such things are important topics, I do not think they are relevant to the arena alt question.
Civility, Integrity, and the Hermeneutic of Generosity

World: Lugh
Akbar: Ranger 220+
DrXyn-Druid 180+
Xyn: Mage 170+
Rabka: Rogue 150+
Rabak: Warrior 90+
Clan: Chieftain of Ancients

Re: Lugh's ARENA Decorum

Pvp group arena !

Why is that ??

If someone bugs you ' u kill him

If you want to do your quest fast because you have no time
You kill others to do so

Plain and simple

Thats what the area is for ' some free pvp at own risk !! and a day quest to lure people

Some of you (mostly high levels) kill the game spirit with your made up ruls
Who are you to say how others must play ? A free game ?
People that dont come to forum ? Tell me ?
Whats the fun of beeing in a clan now ? For frends u have a frends list not ?

Most .... Made up ruls ' killed fun parts like beeing in a clan
A clan who fights to be the best ' to do some serieus and fun big battles
No u ganna cry u got killed and make some .... Ruls

What point didnt u get wen enter the area ?
No massage ?

This is no personal attack to the poster of the topic.
But the stupit vote stuff !! A couple high lev ganna diside for all ?
Where is the honesty in that ?

Game would be way better if each clan desides for them selves how to play
Dice , kill ' or whatever !!

Blackmailin low lev that they need to follow your rules otherwise they get blocked ?

Here is an idea
Dropfrom bosses can fall on anyone who attacks it
level or damage dont mather or who did most ' drops to who ever
attacks it ' braces with sertan skills non lev restrict on it . And other stuff

A low lev never can have such cause the rules say u need that lev to join.
Wheres the honesty in that ?
Yes u worked hard for your levels' but what about lev 200 camping a lev 140boss
But a low lev need pay for it to get ' and the bigger lev dont even need it why even border ??
Maybe we need a -10+10 for bosses ' think thats way more fair '

Most so called vote rules messup the goodparts too.
Indeed some are good most not' u dont have all votes

Keep ur languish clean and dont use bots are my ruls '
Are the best ones ' for clan action and spirit ' motive to level' the whole game play

Instead of camp a boss day and night ' a boss u dont even need.

Its a fee game let others enjoy too' Instead make ruls haha game have ruls of its own
Its a game not ur life like some act

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