I respect your opinion Armo but you've not experienced an end game ranger. If all people are looking for is support, they can be druids who are x10 the support rangers are, they can be mages who are x5 support rangers are with their lures.My~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
If rangers had more dps than rogues, that would definitely be a problem and a mistake on OTM's behalf.
Why? Simple, it's because of ranger's flexibility. Why do people overlook this simple fact that rangers are able to support groups through heals, bolas and solo easier by attacking from a range? Rogues are supposed to get the kill as they have no way to kite/attack up close and personal, therefore rely on their DPS to progress as a class. If you are out-dpsing an equally geared rogue, then they are doing something wrong or the game is broken.
You shouldn't be able to out-dps a rogue, it's simple. Sick of not being able to? Quit your ranger and make a rogue.
What us rangers want to bring out to the public is that ranger is broken, our DPS skills are not up to the mark for carrowmore tunnel mobs, we've got no str based skill, something warriors and rogues have the luxury of. Why should we go dex for broken skills?
I do not believe that Yakat is an end game ranger, thus his statements. The only end game rangers id see being happy are ones with powerful necro bows, hrung loot.
The thing is, not all rangers have the availability of that, and thats the majority.