by Xlaben
Smidge, smeagle, I thought we were tying to finish this clan war going on, on forums but all i see here is that you gus are keepig it going now,
And to roguegods comment, all video games are generally made for children or teens to play, and if an adult so chooses to at it, then that is up to the adult to play it, and as to u attack airees like u always do get a life u low life, not once have i said anything about u or any other members of ur clan who haven't had to put there 2 cents into the thread, but if u wish i certainly will now
Smeagle ur a low life, and u need to stop bringing other good people down with u with the lies u tell, it's getting to b rather old, but then again what else do u have to do with ur time other then sit around and bully other people ?
Mastersk, sorry for what I said early in my post about u, honestly i dont no u that well, but when we used to b in finalboss together u were a cool kid, but since u joined prime u have become a complete *** to everyone, then to boot you used nitro to gear ur alt and leave, just like so many other primes have done, its sickening
So if prime wants to continue with the oh we r better then u, just remember who geared some of ur mains and alts, the guys who accept everyone for who they are