Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Ok lets bring this to a close

This is funny savy but I was trying to be serious and come to a truce with specifically ( bitey Gabee lego and smelly ) as they are the ones who usually tend to attack my posts. That's who my op was aimed for but I have no issue blanketing the clan on my end of the truce.
Nueee lvl 222 Ranger

Selfie lvl 125+ rogue ( Retired)

Best rapper in the ch community
Search Nue Sizemore

Re: Ok lets bring this to a close

This is funny savy but I was trying to be serious and come to a truce with specifically ( bitey Gabee lego and smelly ) as they are the ones who usually tend to attack my posts. That's who my op was aimed for but I have no issue blanketing the clan on my end of the truce.
Please stop naming and shaming. If you were really serious about this, you could have pm'ed these users.
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Re: Ok lets bring this to a close

This is funny savy but I was trying to be serious and come to a truce with specifically ( bitey Gabee lego and smelly ) as they are the ones who usually tend to attack my posts. That's who my op was aimed for but I have no issue blanketing the clan on my end of the truce.
Please stop naming and shaming. If you were really serious about this, you could have pm'ed these users.

This is no way naming or shaming so please don't try and twist it into that . This is a truce extension to be fair to the other forum goers and mods. Im tired of it and im sure they are too . This post is an attempt to solve the issues and your trying to turn it into something it isnt.

A pm doesn't make it public record I want it to be out publicly so if either break the agreement it would be on record who did it. I don't want to be labeled as what you guys try to make me out to be , doing it publicly ensures that it shows im putting in the effort to stop this bs, and it seems you guys clearly are not wanting to be on the same page.
Nueee lvl 222 Ranger

Selfie lvl 125+ rogue ( Retired)

Best rapper in the ch community
Search Nue Sizemore

Re: Ok lets bring this to a close

( bitey Gabee lego and smelly )
they are the ones who usually tend to attack my posts

Well my assumptions just are being proved right the further we go ...... Refering back to the pattern ... This is it ... This post I assume is making them feel like this is an unflattering light so they do any attempt to get the thread delibritly locked.

Well sorry other forum goers and mods apparently certian people aren't ready to be grown ups and let by gones be by gones ...... I did try.
Nueee lvl 222 Ranger

Selfie lvl 125+ rogue ( Retired)

Best rapper in the ch community
Search Nue Sizemore

Re: Ok lets bring this to a close

Ok like nueee said on another thread he dont know me i dont know him this is true im somewhat new to game 8 months now and i have a 190 warrior in res if any didnt know but im sure most do i am not the quiet type just the way i am many like me (even players outside resurgence) many dont but hey i aint changing for no one the thing is reading these forum post i see why many members of resurgence get frustrated i do also we are painted in a negative light all the time and for what camping bosses and getting drops? My question is if shoe was on other foot here and chosen was dominant clan would they just let us get geared up on dl bosses i doubt it seeing the lack of disrespect ive encounted with certain members so yes i lash back and sometimes say things i shouldnt but for others you shouldn't throw stones if you live In a glass house. So my point is while nueee you think these things are directed at you it might seem that way but i think its more pent up frustration about seeing the constant name calling the entire clan of resurgence has to deal with because we are dominant but you know haters gonna hate

Re: Ok lets bring this to a close

Ok like nueee said on another thread he dont know me i dont know him this is true im somewhat new to game 8 months now and i have a 190 warrior in res if any didnt know but im sure most do i am not the quiet type just the way i am many like me (even players outside resurgence) many dont but hey i aint changing for no one the thing is reading these forum post i see why many members of resurgence get frustrated i do also we are painted in a negative light all the time and for what camping bosses and getting drops? My question is if shoe was on other foot here and chosen was dominant clan would they just let us get geared up on dl bosses i doubt it seeing the lack of disrespect ive encounted with certain members so yes i lash back and sometimes say things i shouldnt but for others you shouldn't throw stones if you live In a glass house. So my point is while nueee you think these things are directed at you it might seem that way but i think its more pent up frustration about seeing the constant name calling the entire clan of resurgence has to deal with because we are dominant but you know haters gonna hate
My op isn't about that . It's about the direct attacks on me outta the blue on threads . All I want is to be like everyone else and not be personally attacked just because the certian members of res don't like me personally. But yet I can't because even in a thread when im trying to make a truce to where this won't happen anymore and all it turns into is a twisted verison by your clan members . It's not about dominat clan these are personal attacks made to provoke a reaction to get a thread locked.
Nueee lvl 222 Ranger

Selfie lvl 125+ rogue ( Retired)

Best rapper in the ch community
Search Nue Sizemore

Re: Ok lets bring this to a close

I was only makeing a point on what i have seen i know nothing bout "bank drama" as i have read and with your issues with those 4 people you named just saying what ive seen and how i feel about it and if you read the bottom 3rd of my post thats starts with "so my point is" i was just offering my insight why there is friction based on the way i feel about what is posted in forums tbh i have never posted before i felt like i had to respond to corona i just read because i enjoy reading and figured this would be a good place to learn more about the game i enjoy playing

Re: Ok lets bring this to a close

also we are painted in a negative light all the time
As the op have mentioned a few names, of people who do want to lock his posts, so nothing wrong with this "painting" as long as they are attacking him here.

Also you cant say your clan is bad, you dont have the same view of chosen members, or others.
M7 (Rogue)- 218 Proud clansman of InnerCircle

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