Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Opinions on Epona! Good world?

If you think Epona drama is fun, think again. I have been here long and usually get dragged right into the middle of drama here so I would know hehe. As for me bothering to post here I think some things need to be made clear because I am sick of the accusations from some particular people or ONE particular hated clan who i wont name cause of dumb forum rules but all should know who I speak of here. I have been accused so many times of dualling as 2 others here, and if I could tell the names anyone with sense would see it is ridiculous from the start as these people could never be more opposite. Yet still I get immature level one haters, or jealous people perhaps coming into arena accusing and telling me how evil and deceptive i am. And you know what it is because you idiots will not leave me alone that I get drama queen title from some. Do you even realize you just give more attention to me by doing this anyway? You make yourself more hated PLUS if anonymous any that are suspected of being you suffer as well.

I don't expect all to understand this, it is directed at certain people who will know full well what I mean. As for rest of Epona, are awesome people and give my hugs to all :). I have been accused of terrible things here and I make it clear to this clan now because I am sick of everything, Greeky is not 'evil', 'tyrant ruler', 'power crazy', 'malicious', 'cruel' etc, all words I have been called btw, do you want to know the explanation? I have very very strong opinions of what I stand for, such as my intolerance of cheaters and liars, and while I am around no one will get away clean from being one of these.

It came to the end point maybe a few months ago when I called off rolls entirely for some because I had had enough. Why do you value a few extra drops over fun with all and friendships? If you truly want to have fun with us and no drama as you claim why do you never learn, why does it not get into your heads that every time we catch you cheating it creates more drama and more to block you? Things are a little different now but I never got the chance to say this so I may be going back my past opinions here. One thing all should know by now about me - do not make me MAD. Last time this happened was partly the reason the two sides hate each other so much now. I was far too harsh i know. I have pulled that clan apart before and caused people on other side to quit. To some of this i regret. Even though my side was more happy and said this was good i didn't see the quitting as a good thing in the end when I talked to the person and saw their side of this.

Always 2 sides and remember in fights like this both sides believe they are correct. Neither are BAD but there is a correct side and we all know who's it is. #mine# 0.o ...There are very few that can be completely trusted but i try to love all. And to say I am temporal is not right, Usually I will forgive even my biggest haters and try be kind to them which may lead people to call my friendships confusing. As far as I am concerned the more people there are to talk to and joke with the better. What is the point of hating? This game is not like real life where you can ignore your enemies and never see them again. Here we see each other all the time camping bosses and playing so cannot be avoided. All need to understand that No matter which situation you are in, are in it no matter what so you can either choose to make the best of it or make it a bad thing. Which applies to everything you do inrl too but this is the same concept.

Oh To all that come to me expecting me to fix their problems, can all not bother. I get this so many times a day. You all need to help YOURSELVES. Can ask for help is fine but until you have done everything in your power to fix whatever issue you have or whatever you want to happen do not bug me. If you rely on others for all you will be very weak. Honor, pride and strength are worth so much. this is what you are judged on and is what people respect. If you have no morals or principles, or yours always are changing are not worth a thing ok.
Another thing, why do some of you who I have never spoken to before send me mails asking if you can talk? This has happened enough times that I think it needs to be mentioned so any others too scared to speak? Can see and understand. I am same as all of you Rofl. In fact i welcome any one who wants to talk to me. I am very easy to get along with and enjoy more to have fun with. You will see :) I am one of kindest people on Epona. Just do not try be better because I will never be beaten :p so I dare you to try, I love a challenge.

Also all who are driven by hate and revenge, come to me and I will show you there is so much more. I had someone once who was like this. Could not understand the concept of having fun, did not understand our jokes even the not dirty ones, hehehe :D simply had never seen that side of the game before it was sad. I invited them to a talk group on game where we joked and talked about all sorts for hours. This person was never the same again rofl. I tell you i always want to help and fix any problems.

Hahaha big lecture... I am done :) don't know how else to make people understand what matters, and some of this is directed at certain people/groups which needed to be clarified and heard since a long time, so don't think all will know what the hell I am going on about. 0.o goodbye time for relax in spa now. HAVE FUN

Greek causes the drama thats why she just wrote like a page about it. Yes theres lots of clan wars but thats what makes a server interesting. If theres drama its because theres a reason for it. Dont think everything is drama in epona just because greek says so.

Re: Opinions on Epona! Good world?

Epona is a good world. There is occassional drama always caused by the same few people turning up late for bosses an still rolling, afk'ing with alts or clan members (yeah they share accounts then wonder why they got scammed) or even camping gladiator with alt or clannie. Say or do anything to them like calling them out and they turn it back on you and the morons in their clan believe them...apart from a handful of people with the IQ of a four year old Epona is good.
Characters (In order of creation)


Re: Opinions on Epona! Good world?

No, beo, I do not cause it.. As Nigel says it is always the same people cheating make reason for arguments. I won't stand for them doing this and if I see it, will call it out and the drama and crying that follows after is theirs. They make far too big deal of a situation so easily fixed. You can say i cause it, only because I am one of the few that will do something about it. Not fair to others. They hate me because I stop them getting 2x drop. Lol :D
Greekdemigods, 224 warrior
217 rogue, Queenhera
210 mage, Xylaphone
192 ranger, TheHuntress
182 druid, Demesne

Carthage, Epona

Re: Opinions on Epona! Good world?

Epona is a great server :) It is full of anarchy and tranquility. Blood feuds might get you exiled and/or blacklisted but, like life, you determine the blueprint! You can stay underground and go solo, or go adventuring with your friends like one of the Goonies from the big screen! It is possible to have synergy without animousity (sp?) and play your toon like a spartan warrior constantly being brought back to life by the legendary Valkyries :) Join one of the many great clans (unfortunately I can't mention them due to forum rules) and judge for yourself ;)

Re: Opinions on Epona! Good world?

Epona is a great server :) It is full of anarchy and tranquility. Blood feuds might get you exiled and/or blacklisted but, like life, you determine the blueprint! You can stay underground and go solo, or go adventuring with your friends like one of the Goonies from the big screen! It is possible to have synergy without animousity (sp?) and play your toon like a spartan warrior constantly being brought back to life by the legendary Valkyries :) Join one of the many great clans (unfortunately I can't mention them due to forum rules) and judge for yourself ;)
Rofl this was good
FrozenTaco- level 218 Warrior
Tricky- level 220 Rogue
Anarchy of Epona

Re: Opinions on Epona! Good world?

Epona is a great server :) It is full of anarchy and tranquility. Blood feuds might get you exiled and/or blacklisted but, like life, you determine the blueprint! You can stay underground and go solo, or go adventuring with your friends like one of the Goonies from the big screen! It is possible to have synergy without animousity (sp?) and play your toon like a spartan warrior constantly being brought back to life by the legendary Valkyries :) Join one of the many great clans (unfortunately I can't mention them due to forum rules) and judge for yourself ;)
Hahah, nice one Danya !! :D

Re: Opinions on Epona! Good world?

No, beo, I do not cause it.. As Nigel says it is always the same people cheating make reason for arguments. I won't stand for them doing this and if I see it, will call it out and the drama and crying that follows after is theirs. They make far too big deal of a situation so easily fixed. You can say i cause it, only because I am one of the few that will do something about it. Not fair to others. They hate me because I stop them getting 2x drop. Lol :D

Dont forget you were only in armageddon to get free dragonlord your a tricky one nonetheless. Yes people do cheat at bosses i agree but almost every big clan is sharing accounts thats the main issue here.

Re: Opinions on Epona! Good world?

Rubbish, If you remember this as well as you seem to remember everything else, beo, you would know i left arma far before DL. Example at that same time i was offered in clan 2 idols to finish dl greaves, i said no to it, also i have given red crowns... It sounds to me you are still just sour that i got you kicked. Do not argue with me please... If you dont want to look stupid :|
Greekdemigods, 224 warrior
217 rogue, Queenhera
210 mage, Xylaphone
192 ranger, TheHuntress
182 druid, Demesne

Carthage, Epona

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