No - you're not. There are several warriors in Ascension who haven't reset.I am saddened and not surprised I am the last main Warrior over 185 who has not reset.
You would have got the same reaction that I did when helping Prime. To be clear, when I was in Honour, Prime was always respectful to me and even helped me kill 4 star and 5 stars after I got lock - the abuse I got was from a clan I was supposed to be allied with and you would have gotten the same treatment.This is why I tried to create my core to come and help Prime on Mordris. This has nothing to do with loot. My orders were to be no one say a word, just clear out the trolls and keep that lady behind Mordris in check while Prime kills the dragon and we would immediately leave the zone. An act so wild and unexpected that Prime would have to at the very least think about an alternative to the resetting wars.
Yet, the worst toons in danu are in Kudos - known scammers and people who verbally and sexually harass other players. Clean up your own house before you start throwing stones. Those who live in glass houses...
Here, Ra breaks through the clan bias and frames it as older players influencing the younger players.
He claims if the older players act honorable, the younger players will follow. It naturally follows if we do not act honorable, the younger players will follow. Ra legend status here has exploded to Nostradamus proportions, as he predicts these level 100 warriors resetting in this pargraph, now younger toons are now mimicking older toons malapdaptive behavior.
We've recently rejected membership requests from 3 Kudos members because of their past behavior - when has Kudos ever done that?
The treaty was very beneficial to Kudos yet they did nothing to prevent 3-4 toons from ruining it for them.During the brief treaty it worked so well that Danu collectively worked towards ridding scammers of Danu another problem of Danu. Note the progress made on the copycat thread. I have been fortunate to work directly with Morgana is destroying the many copycat Rockefellers. Things were changing..
No, you're not.Warmly, Baison, the last high-end main warrior who hasn't tainted himself with Resets.