Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: What happened to RaptureEve??

Rapture Eve once dominated Rhiannon in much the same way as Resurgence dominates Arawn today. High level players had to be in Rapture Eve if they wanted to advance in the game. Many players weren't happy with the way Eve's dominated. 3 years ago a clan called RESPECT was formed to challenge their domination, Eternal Sin came soon after and Eve's grip on Rhiannon was diminished forever thereafter. The rest is history.

Re: What happened to RaptureEve??

The once mighty Eve had been the top clan on all servers all through the first two years of the game. Many of the things written here by Blrd7 are correct or close enough.

The downfall was a result of a turnover in players and lack of recruiting. Clans have to recruit always since players come and go. Eve had been around since the game's beginning and in those first two years you didn't have to buy plat to be an endgame player. People who quit didn't want to buy plat, and back then plat was not transferable through mystery chests etc. We had 15-20 of our top players just disappear when otherworld update was released. Eve was always very strict with recruiting and not giving players a chance because they ks'ed one of our clan members 6 months ago was diminishing our player base.

This was also the time we needed to adopt a secondary app like groupie to record boss timers. Lots of the clan (including myself) was hooked on chatting and posting funny pics instead of grinding out the levels like EternalSin. Once a clan isn't on top anymore you are not getting the prime recruits. You have to settle with sloppy seconds etc, and we were too proud to accept that. Eventually your top hardcore players get frustrated and join clan getting the Hungrir kills.

The rest is a house of apples in a strong wind.
Pre-Update 5
Deucaleon- 203
Brightblade- 201

Pre-Update 4
Deucaleon-Warrior level 161

Pre-update 3
Deucaleon-Warrior level 105
Drucaleon-Druid level 90
Brightblade-Rogue level 101
Deucalion-Ranger level 90
Ducaleon-Mage level 96

Re: What happened to RaptureEve??

Man, I was wondering why the clan was so papery thin when I logged on last night for the first time in ages. And here I was, so enthusiastic about the prospects of playing again (well just once in awhile), but I am at least glad to hear that some people have moved on(?) from earlier times. What ever happened to the other original Eves; Intrepid, Arwen, and Tooth?

Speaking of which, I never said a former farewell, so "farewell". I was happy to spend what little time I had with you all while watching over my infant son (you can guess the name) some 3.5 years ago while enjoying this MMO grow from blue wolves to red ones, from floating "orbs" to unicorns, none of which I was prepared for.

Ta. May I find you in some other obscure MUD/MMO.

Re: What happened to RaptureEve??

You're generalising... A member of RaptureEve bullied one of our clannies so much that he had no option but to leave the game... Does that mean the whole of RaptureEve had no honour or respect and were bullies??

KS'd him, killed him every single time in arena, killed our whole clan in arena and wouldn't let us enter.. Even if training abilities or killing gladiator.. KS'd him on Wyverns, and the arena problems were leaded by one of the leaders. The leaders were approached on the subject multiple times and nothing was ever done.. Our clanny ended up quitting game and many went inactive.
My legacy lives on even after all this time....
SirSmokesAlot - 151 Rogue
Blastoise - 106 Druid

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