Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Opinions on Epona! Good world?

I find it ironic how a topic on what epona is like starts a small arguement between greek and beo... Imo epona is both good and bad, yes it has its drama blah blah blah but its easy to avoid just dont reply when it starts and dont be a tank
Truuuuuuuuuue about the tank part!
FrozenTaco- level 218 Warrior
Tricky- level 220 Rogue
Anarchy of Epona

Re: Opinions on Epona! Good world?

I find it ironic how a topic on what epona is like starts a small arguement between greek and beo... Imo epona is both good and bad, yes it has its drama blah blah blah but its easy to avoid just dont reply when it starts and dont be a tank
100% agreeded. To avoid drama just ignore the people who start. And im not saying To avoid people in this post because they all are good in their own ways. It's best to keep to your words short and wise. And find a good clan, but dint drink the koolaid of the cults. Beware of many scammers and fake characters of this server. People often like to make names that looks very similar to steal items, always check level and make sure they are who they claim to before loaning items. Other then that, most prices on items are fair and we are friendly,helpful and welcoming. Don't let a few bad apples ruien your experience, GL and see you in game!
La vita è bella

**Located in GMT -8 or UTC -7*
Level- 189+ ranger, Archerguy founder of DéjàVu - Epona
Level- 155 spear ranger, Arch3rguy - Rhaiannon
~ KiK messanger name Archerguy -Very friendly and helpful! Feel free to message me!

Re: Opinions on Epona! Good world?

I find it ironic how a topic on what epona is like starts a small arguement between greek and beo... Imo epona is both good and bad, yes it has its drama blah blah blah but its easy to avoid just dont reply when it starts and dont be a tank
Truuuuuuuuuue about the tank part!
Browsing forums just curious as to why don't be a tank?
Frozen Taco name love it! Ha
PurpleRain 226+ Mage
Vanity 227+ Druid
I can't make the World Purple when it's Gray
Beta Android Tester

Re: Opinions on Epona! Good world?

3/4th of the people here are the drama people...

Also, Greek, join Lugh!

1. Good People (so and so)
2. Peaceful clans (mmm nope)
3. DL system, roll by class. Same with Aggy, Mordis, Necro, and bascally any class ireinted items (everyone for themselves)
4. Good players from Epona moved there. (Aly ex.) (No one transfers to Epona)
5. Late on LOCK not pull (Like I said, Epona, its pull and you're late)
6. Mature Players (1/10th of them are mature and thats saying 150+)

Also, there is a good type of drama in a world and a bad kind of drama in a world, there may be good times, but mostly bad ones. I xfered and I found out something. (soon as I got out of that hostile immature inviroment) It wasn't me, it was them. Have I ever gotten angry at anyone on Lugh? Yeah, but only, if any, a couple people who transfered there from, get this, Epona.
200 Allymia Rogue
Clan - Underground - Guardian Rank - Home of the noob, Paulweller

"If you aren't sinning; you aren't having fun." ;) ~ Priest

Re: Opinions on Epona! Good world?

I think this is a pretty good world.

Probably some scammers and rude people like all worlds. If you want to compare drama read the Danu forums and Epona will start to look like a meditation centre.

DL bosses cause some trouble but that is true every where. The whole game needs more content so it's not an Epona issue I think.
Landoril 221 Ranger
Denoril 170 Rogue
Hateril. Hat holder
Pageril...well you get the idea

Epona (The little server that could)

Re: Opinions on Epona! Good world?

I think this is a pretty good world.

Probably some scammers and rude people like all worlds. If you want to compare drama read the Danu forums and Epona will start to look like a meditation centre.

DL bosses cause some trouble but that is true every where. The whole game needs more content so it's not an Epona issue I think.

No man, once you see another "system" of DL...you never wanna go back @_@ Obviously Epona isn't the worse server out there, basically in the middle.
200 Allymia Rogue
Clan - Underground - Guardian Rank - Home of the noob, Paulweller

"If you aren't sinning; you aren't having fun." ;) ~ Priest

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