Granted but it was scammed from youGranted but you forgot they were poisened and you ate them
I wish for a rock, a plain regular rock
I wish for druids to not be broken
Granted but it was scammed from youGranted but you forgot they were poisened and you ate them
I wish for a rock, a plain regular rock
Granted but you died from the great fall because you were hallucinating and thought you were riding a rainbow but you were actually riding thin airGranted, but you die since the water is too salty.
I wish I can ride a rainbow.
Granted but then it he drops it on you and it falls on your head, killing you.Granted. But then they were nerfed.
I wish for mordy to drop axes :3
Granted, but they level really fast and ditch youGranted, but you became dumb in every other academic subject.
I wish for a good leveling partner.
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