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Re: What are your most fav animes/mangas?

SAO's alfheim story wasnt bad except the part that his cousin/sister falls in love with him and the fact that he keeps all his SAO abilities just to defeat what seems like noobs,the salamander general fight was slightly interesting (when the cat sith and the sylphs set up a peace treaty type of meeting for the world tree) and he raided it. Besides that when Kirito scaled the world tree it was kinda like..why do these things exist?

Re: What are your most fav animes/mangas?

Hmmm I do like starting with the anime, should i watch it (to know voices and detailed looks) and the start the manga all over or should i watch and then reading the manga from the point anime stops at?

Also, i was going to read Noragami's manga, but havent heard any comments about it (good or bad, watched the anime and liked), should i read?
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Re: What are your most fav animes/mangas?

Hmmm I do like starting with the anime, should i watch it (to know voices and detailed looks) and the start the manga all over or should i watch and then reading the manga from the point anime stops at?

Also, i was going to read Noragami's manga, but havent heard any comments about it (good or bad, watched the anime and liked), should i read?
You should watch the anime till you finish the series, then pick up from the manga.

I just got into Noragami. Im in like ch 2 :D but its looking pretty good. Judging from the first chapter, theres going to be a ton of fighting in it. Imo, The Breaker: New Waves is probably the best fighting manga.

Kazuto- DPS Ranger - lvl 201
Kazut0- Lure Mage - lvl 120

Lazy Drunks

Formerly of Infection

Re: What are your most fav animes/mangas?

On mangas, One Piece is still top 1.
I love One Piece, but alas, I have a life. I stopped at episode 60 or so cuz there was like 600 more episodes to watch. I really don't feel like wasting the time to watch it :/ (I learned my lesson from Naruto)

The Breaker is more realistic :3

Kazuto- DPS Ranger - lvl 201
Kazut0- Lure Mage - lvl 120

Lazy Drunks

Formerly of Infection

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