by fsurules9741
Wow. Simply wow. I guess I have to put my two cents in. I recall certain players from seed responding to complaints from others that seed was stealing our kills. Seed responded by saying it was never yours to begin with so it couldn't have been stolen.
Now it seems to me that unless the clan leaders of seed own the right to everything every clan member of seed owns, the so called property never belonged to you in the first place. Therefore, it could not have been stolen. Now if one of the requirements for joining seed is that you give up all rights to everything you own in the game, or that all drops you win or receive while in the clan belong to ONLY the leaders of seed, then I would say you have an argument.
I cannot believe that OTM allows that to be a policy of one of thier clans. If an item was taken from the clan bank without permission and sold, that is one thing. If a member sold something he or she had a right to possess then why should you care what is done with it.
You had no problems whatsoever letting SI members get DL loot only to take what they earned when they left to join seed, did you? Yet when someone does it to you you cannot stand it and threaten all other clans in the game. Sorry, seed. You do now own this game. OTM does.
Now I realize you are going to resort to bullying, threatening, and taunting in your response. Hope you realize that we really don't give a crap what you think and that we all are laughing at you now for beginning this inane post in the first place.
BTW, I need a couple more of those mordy drops. Thanks, mysterious "traitor".