To be honest. The "war" had basically been resolved with very little fighting until several Infection members wanted there to be a little more "competition". They did their best to rip our clan apart. Starting another clan of the disenfranchised, misfit, hooligans that were left in the wake of the previous clan "war", they have antagonized, griefed, and caused general mayhem ever since. They have broken open the walls of Arkham Assylum and loosed the most vile of all the criminals Herne had to offer in an attempt to create more "competition". WH was bored, so he decided to try to burn Herne to the ground.
That is your opinion of the events that had occurred. How ever mine differs.
Yes i had left infection with no enemies and or fighting, it was not untill the people i grouped with for a boss that was not an infection member would show me whispers from your clan trash talking me for no reason, along with reseting a killian i was on for no reason, and simply having sex with my mother because we locked a boss on you guys. I understand there could be someone heated at the moment of losing a boss since no one but infection had shown up to a boss for months. So finally losing one to people including their swarn enemies may have been a shock.
How ever the fact remains most of infection members turned sour towards me simply because they lost some bosses which to be honest none of your members need the drops, its just a power thing with you guys. The only difference is instead of keeping it classy like the big mature clan you guys claim to be... Some of you resorted to name calling, using old insults towards peoples families and simply stiring the pot to try and get a reaction.
Its the same song new dance between rivals, one will always blame the other.
Personally im over it and have simply just blocked everyone. Some of you guys should try the same. If OTM could just fix the boss resets then i think herne would be pretty peaceful
I know yours differs. Swine and you both have an interesting memory of events. Funny that you claim to be so amicable when for months and years you were so pissed off and outright cruel to the same people you clan with now.
You talk about whispers from us. I don't know what was said but we were all pissed. You were our friend and you said you were bored with us so you up and left, taking all the spoils of what your clan had worked with you to amass and you left to fight against us. Your "competition" be damned. Yes there were probably alot of angry words because we felt betrayed.
The killian. Really?! You are gonna use that as an excuse?! How often did the words come out of your mouth to basically everybody that you tortured in the arena from lvl 1's to 200, that the arena is for pvp. If you don't like it then don't go there. When alot of us did our best to live and let live with you, you still targeted us in the arena. Sure you may have been hounded by some in our clan, but there were plenty that left you alone, like me, until you decided we were all the same to you and attacked us all indiscriminately.
The fact remains that you expressed outright hatred in word and action toward the people you are now clanned with, the people that we have battled for years, that bullied and griefed and ksed, and somehow you believe we shouldn't feel a sense of betrayal?
You are delusional. The hurtful words and jabs at family and RL circumstances never bothered you before when you were the one dishing them out. You justify your behavior by saying we did this and that, when you lived that example for us day in and day out for over a year.
Get a grip WH