Hey guys, this is the guide of the new spells in the update.
Incinerate-Lights your enemy on flames, works from a distance, and causes heat damage per tick over time
Firestorm-Acts like fire bolt. However deals much more damage, but causes longer reload and more energy to cast.
Sacrifice-Trades in little of your health for a lot of energy. It's basically bandage wounds but other way around.
Icicle Freeze-Freezes your enemy at a distance, disabling their attack and movement. Allows u to cast skills without being interrupted.
Lure of Magic-Decreases your enemies resistance to magic.
Lure of Assassins-Decreases your enemies resistance to pierce.
Lure of Soldiers-Decreases your enemies resistance to slash.
Lure of Giants-Decreases your enemies resistance to crush.
***If u want to see the animations of the some of the spells, or how it works go to my post, "VIDEO ABOUT NEW MAGE SKILLS!!"
Brief Guide about new mage skills in the update!
#1World: Mabon
Clan: Masmar/ Elite
-Rogue: Lvl 150+
-Mage: Lvl 137+
-Warrior: Lvl 125+
-Druid: Lvl 100+
Clan: Masmar/ Elite
-Rogue: Lvl 150+
-Mage: Lvl 137+
-Warrior: Lvl 125+
-Druid: Lvl 100+