There does not yet seem to be a consensus about the level requirement for those mages that are in a support build for the 200 boss. This summer for gararnak the req was 185 for a support mage and 190 for dps (just like other dps chars). The issues that people have raised with this are:
1. It is difficult to tell if a mage is really fully in a support build.
2. Lures do not stack so really only one (maybe two) support mage is needed.
3. Some mages (in the past)have attempted to roll when they really only had lures at level 1 or did not have any lures that actually were not resisted. (In other words they had not actually contributed to the fight.)
Should the req be 190 for all mages?
Should it remain 185 for support mages?
I would be fine with either decision. In the past we have trusted players to no abuse the system. (i.e. only roll when they actually have contributed to a fight)
What are your thoughts? (I would especially like to hear what active mages over 180 or so have to say. We need to reach a consensus.)
Mage Support Level Req for 200
#1(Not active at the moment)
SmartOne: level 191 Mage
SneakyOne: level 185 Rogue
Learn about Lugh ➙
"The trouble ain't that there are too many fools, but that the lightning ain't distributed right."
-Mark Twain
SmartOne: level 191 Mage
SneakyOne: level 185 Rogue
Learn about Lugh ➙
"The trouble ain't that there are too many fools, but that the lightning ain't distributed right."
-Mark Twain