Joking about ebola on a plane is about as smart as whippin open your trenchcoat in the tsa line and shouting "I've got a bomb nobody move!!" I hope they file felony criminal charges against that idiot.I think they put her dog to sleep. Even if they say no sign of Ebola in pets they weren't taking any chances.
Luckily it seems he did not get ebola. It's not very likely to get it from body fluids left in a room after a day or so but there's no way id risk my life by going in without proper protective gear.
Sad thing is no one seems to be properly educated or equipped. Being Texas the deputy probably thought if he saw ebola he'd pop off a few rounds into that bugger and finish him off for good. Sending law enforcement or other medical/civil workers to deal with this with out the right gear and information is the cause of things like that poor Spanish nurse to whom catching ebola and dying never crossed her mind. Sad thing is last i heard her condition worsened and in my opinion will probably now die from it. It's only going to get exponentially worse if scientific thinking and adequate measures dont prevail.
So we are basically doomed. I guess if the only good that comes from this is people take disease and vaccines seriously that's better than no good coming from it.
Now they have a man joking on a plane coughing yelled, "I've got Ebola and came from Africa." Held up the plane 2yrs didn't have Ebola and never been to Africa :/
I was on the train in Manhattan yesterday to visit family my weekend off college. A man coughed and the teens yelled, "He got Ebola run....People are making light of the situation. You know what they say about the boy who cried wolf..
Yea i hope that it can be contained before it hits a full blown epidemic status but sadly i don't have that much reason to be hopeful. On cnn they are comparing it to the aids epidemic but it's nowhere near the same thing. They need to compare it to a major flu outbreak where millions die. It's just most people aren't old enough to remember the last time a bad strain of flu killed so many.