by Savaged1982
No, we don't just punish people for fun.
This was directed more towards loot that is 100% Seed's property. Includes mord/hrung/necro loot which only Seed can obtain.
Not for fun? Lol then why do some seed members (not naming) Kill randoms in arena about 4 times a week?
That part is just for fun...
Makes us feel strong and powerful cos Irl we are weak and small.
No joke
General of Seed - Crom
Druid 216+ & 130 something on Arawn retured in 2013
Rangers 221+ And 190+
Rogues 220+, 210+, 150+, 97+ & 150 on Arawn retired in 2013
Mage 214+
Warrior 218+
Ex member of Badabing, Celts, Uskoci & Serenity on Arawn