Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Druid reqs for 200

Even though I am not 190 yet, but 185, I would say +1 to druids being 190 req for 200.
This is because all classes should be an equal level, this would make it more fair for everyone. although it may be a little harder to level to 190, like Wendell said, it is possible as many have done it already.
You already voted under turqoise. Everyone knows you are the same person.

It is also funny how the only people +1 for this are synergy members.
Critz - 222 Rogue
Server - Lugh

Re: Druid reqs for 200

+1 for druid requirement

And critz turq and druid are not the same person if they was why would she make two kiks,vote herself out of 200 boss, and have two forums accounts lol dont say something thats not true it's pointless and ignorant thank you and if you make a claim support your claim saying everyone knows you're the same person isn't true because i know alot of people who know there not the same person and im sure they're part of everyone.
Clan, Alliance
World, Lugh
Toryn, 192, Warrior
Uoise, 210 , Mage

Re: Druid reqs for 200

And critz turq and druid are not the same person.
Maybe not but turq logs into her sisters account, Druid2001. Therefore I treat them as the same person. Not knowing who is actually speaking really muddies the waters in terms of another vote actually counting.
Critz - 222 Rogue
Server - Lugh

Re: Druid reqs for 200

-1 to 190 level req for druids at 200 boss. Druids are really needed,185 druids can keep tank alive as 190+ ones do. But i also think that all 180+ druids should start leveling and not just sitting there and logging at 200 boss to get drops. So +1 to 185 level req for druids at 200. I'm good with 190 level req for all mages tho
Vis: Rogue 224
Clan: Toxic

Neero: Warrior lvl 231
Enea: Mage lvl 220

Re: Druid reqs for 200

+1 for druid requirement

And critz turq and druid are not the same person if they was why would she make two kiks,vote herself out of 200 boss, and have two forums accounts lol dont say something thats not true it's pointless and ignorant thank you and if you make a claim support your claim saying everyone knows you're the same person isn't true because i know alot of people who know there not the same person and im sure they're part of everyone.
Why would she vote herself out? Because Fry and Wendell being the most active 190+ druids can feed her hand me downs. Why would she have two kiks? Why would she have two forum accounts? Idk you tell me.
image.jpg (158.15 KiB) Viewed 2039 times
image.jpg (164.62 KiB) Viewed 2039 times

[list][*]Vulture - Level 220 Rogue
[*]Venus - Level 195 Druid[/list][/color]

Re: Druid reqs for 200

Hello everyone. This is my very first forum post after well over 2 and half years history in Lugh, having finally received the forum account's activation code... : ) Better later than never?

Firstly I need to say that it's a shame to see this topic being trashed with offtopic as blaming two people to be one with what ever motives when the point was to just discuss friendly about druid requirements for the 200 boss... Vulture I wonder what do you mean with these pictures of charlotte's/turquoise's posts? I hope you realize turquoise's name is charlotte. And if anybody wasnt yet informed druid2001 and turquoise are identical twins and I can confirm this as having seen these persons on a video call : ) And yes I'm prepared for the possibility that next coming up will be somebody saying that they must have 'hacked' the video app to look like there were two people present, just like people 'hack' the dice... It's how Lugh's community works. I also like how some people make these 'everyone knows' statements when they have hardly (or never) even talked to the people of who they're talking about and then create these 'facts'. : ) (not just this topic)

Vulture, I'm also surprised you wanted to join this offtopic/trash talk with the pictures (Assuming that charlotte would be druid and reveal something important, or who knows what was your aim). Specifically since you have got exceptionally disreputable background yourself... Cough* Making a druid and deceptively lying to everyone that it wasn't you... Well let's think about the current situation then: with this history of yours how could we know your 'little sister's' rogue isn't being only played by you or is actually just you now? Both winning drops at same fights, and if so, definitely being against Lugh's 'one win per player a fight' -rule. What should we do? Should we then just allow one win to everyone per fight who can be related in real life, siblings, couples, other family members since everything is doubtful?.. Or make a rule that everybody who seem to be too good friends (maybe share items together), only one can win because they might be the same person. Really reasonable, isn't it? Or should we arrange some video call check-ups to everyone to make sure that they really are their own persons before being able to attend fights?.....
Or maybe just send a ticket to support of the issue and have it checked, quit the game or keep going and live with the constant doubt of deception - if that's the case. Though might be an idea to remember that if nobody trusted anyone we would be killing none major bosses or do really anything. So, I hope we can trust you aren't her/playing her. (And you should also spare some trust on others. )

Before this topic possibly gets locked, I'll tell you a bit of my opinions of the actual requirement issue... No matter was I from Synergy or not. This is an open topic for everyone I understood, free access.. In my opinion, casters (mages/druids) should have the same level requirement since both are equally as difficult to level up next to melee classes. Druids have been getting easy way into boss fights for way too long time, slacking, joining fights with minimal requirements. Also having been able to win items for all classes when being 10 and more lvls below the requirement to wear it.

Maxees mentioned " - - if there wasn't enough dps on at the moment would we call in rogues, rangers, and warriors as low as 150 to help us kill? Or would we wait for more to log.. I feel it should be the same for druids. God forbid though it be an extra 10-15minute wait for a level of druids to log - -" I totally agree with Maxees on this because it basically makes all those further lvled druids work useless when the requirement is so loose that quite much any lvl druid can join if there isn't druids immediatelly present at the very second when the boss spawns... Like, at the moment druids of lvl 180 are joining 200 boss, it's not even 15lvls below. We should be encouraging druids to develop and level like I think our system does for melee classes with 190 requirement for 200 boss. And I don't think we are suffering from lack of druids at these 200 bosses like was mentioned before - the problems with necro are neither concentrated on just lack of heals more like of lack of cooperation and input.

The 200 boss needs only 2-3 druids to be done and we have a fair few active druids 190+ playing, not just me and elle and wendel.. It would be fair to treat druids at least the same as mages or even the same with all classes... If support mage must be 190 to attend so should support druid be even if the idea of 190 requirement for druids doesn't go through. Same treatment. Lower level druids were mentioned to be useful because they can heal about the same as 190+.. Maybe some few ones achieve that but then, most 190+ druids keep the buffs up for the tank... Low level support mages can also energy boost and sacrifice as well as higher lvl ones. And they might even cover up lures that higher lvls don't who are maybe concentrated on just dps side and dont do them. And yes I know that energy isn't maybe concerned as important as heal side among everyone but casters have been walking 'hand in hand' with requirements a long time why should it be changed now? Especially since it takes about same effort for druids and mages to level after all.

One statement here also was that its ok for lower level druids to join fights since items are usable due to low requirements.. I think that's a weak excuse. If we allow lower levels to join fights just because items have low requirement then warriors/rangers/rogues, all classes would be joining 200 only because the drops are usable and have 170 requirement. "Theyre usable". That sentence could be applied on anything. Was also mentioned that would be clever to be able to roll on only items you could use.. First it sounds perfect until you start thinking about it. OTM has been lowering level requirements for items lately... If the same direction continues, next event could have 150 requirement for the items or something silly... It wouldn't please many players - unless you were only talking about courtesy of passing on rolls for items that are too high for you, and you didn't mean that you can instantly join fight if you're able to use the item.

In my opinion if you want to win, you work for it and not just join for an easy ride. Id be happy to apply this 10lvl range for all classes and for not sounding totally biased, keep it there also when new engine comes out and also we '190+ ppl' are meant to lvl again.

So 1+ for druids 190lvl requirement for 200boss. Mages be the same.

When will we prize the druids that lvl and work hard for progressing? Or is it just melee classes' joy? (And mages?)

Re: Druid reqs for 200

Hello everyone. This is my very first forum post after well over 2 and half years history in Lugh, having finally received the forum account's activation code... : ) Better later than never?

Firstly I need to say that it's a shame to see this topic being trashed with offtopic as blaming two people to be one with what ever motives when the point was to just discuss friendly about druid requirements for the 200 boss... Vulture I wonder what do you mean with these pictures of charlotte's/turquoise's posts? I hope you realize turquoise's name is charlotte. And if anybody wasnt yet informed druid2001 and turquoise are identical twins and I can confirm this as having seen these persons on a video call : ) And yes I'm prepared for the possibility that next coming up will be somebody saying that they must have 'hacked' the video app to look like there were two people present, just like people 'hack' the dice... It's how Lugh's community works. I also like how some people make these 'everyone knows' statements when they have hardly (or never) even talked to the people of who they're talking about and then create these 'facts'. : ) (not just this topic)

Vulture, I'm also surprised you wanted to join this offtopic/trash talk with the pictures (Assuming that charlotte would be druid and reveal something important, or who knows what was your aim). Specifically since you have got exceptionally disreputable background yourself... Cough* Making a druid and deceptively lying to everyone that it wasn't you... Well let's think about the current situation then: with this history of yours how could we know your 'little sister's' rogue isn't being only played by you or is actually just you now? Both winning drops at same fights, and if so, definitely being against Lugh's 'one win per player a fight' -rule. What should we do? Should we then just allow one win to everyone per fight who can be related in real life, siblings, couples, other family members since everything is doubtful?.. Or make a rule that everybody who seem to be too good friends (maybe share items together), only one can win because they might be the same person. Really reasonable, isn't it? Or should we arrange some video call check-ups to everyone to make sure that they really are their own persons before being able to attend fights?.....
Or maybe just send a ticket to support of the issue and have it checked, quit the game or keep going and live with the constant doubt of deception - if that's the case. Though might be an idea to remember that if nobody trusted anyone we would be killing none major bosses or do really anything. So, I hope we can trust you aren't her/playing her. (And you should also spare some trust on others. )

Before this topic possibly gets locked, I'll tell you a bit of my opinions of the actual requirement issue... No matter was I from Synergy or not. This is an open topic for everyone I understood, free access.. In my opinion, casters (mages/druids) should have the same level requirement since both are equally as difficult to level up next to melee classes. Druids have been getting easy way into boss fights for way too long time, slacking, joining fights with minimal requirements. Also having been able to win items for all classes when being 10 and more lvls below the requirement to wear it.

Maxees mentioned " - - if there wasn't enough dps on at the moment would we call in rogues, rangers, and warriors as low as 150 to help us kill? Or would we wait for more to log.. I feel it should be the same for druids. God forbid though it be an extra 10-15minute wait for a level of druids to log - -" I totally agree with Maxees on this because it basically makes all those further lvled druids work useless when the requirement is so loose that quite much any lvl druid can join if there isn't druids immediatelly present at the very second when the boss spawns... Like, at the moment druids of lvl 180 are joining 200 boss, it's not even 15lvls below. We should be encouraging druids to develop and level like I think our system does for melee classes with 190 requirement for 200 boss. And I don't think we are suffering from lack of druids at these 200 bosses like was mentioned before - the problems with necro are neither concentrated on just lack of heals more like of lack of cooperation and input.

The 200 boss needs only 2-3 druids to be done and we have a fair few active druids 190+ playing, not just me and elle and wendel.. It would be fair to treat druids at least the same as mages or even the same with all classes... If support mage must be 190 to attend so should support druid be even if the idea of 190 requirement for druids doesn't go through. Same treatment. Lower level druids were mentioned to be useful because they can heal about the same as 190+.. Maybe some few ones achieve that but then, most 190+ druids keep the buffs up for the tank... Low level support mages can also energy boost and sacrifice as well as higher lvl ones. And they might even cover up lures that higher lvls don't who are maybe concentrated on just dps side and dont do them. And yes I know that energy isn't maybe concerned as important as heal side among everyone but casters have been walking 'hand in hand' with requirements a long time why should it be changed now? Especially since it takes about same effort for druids and mages to level after all.

One statement here also was that its ok for lower level druids to join fights since items are usable due to low requirements.. I think that's a weak excuse. If we allow lower levels to join fights just because items have low requirement then warriors/rangers/rogues, all classes would be joining 200 only because the drops are usable and have 170 requirement. "Theyre usable". That sentence could be applied on anything. Was also mentioned that would be clever to be able to roll on only items you could use.. First it sounds perfect until you start thinking about it. OTM has been lowering level requirements for items lately... If the same direction continues, next event could have 150 requirement for the items or something silly... It wouldn't please many players - unless you were only talking about courtesy of passing on rolls for items that are too high for you, and you didn't mean that you can instantly join fight if you're able to use the item.

In my opinion if you want to win, you work for it and not just join for an easy ride. Id be happy to apply this 10lvl range for all classes and for not sounding totally biased, keep it there also when new engine comes out and also we '190+ ppl' are meant to lvl again.

So 1+ for druids 190lvl requirement for 200boss. Mages be the same.

When will we prize the druids that lvl and work hard for progressing? Or is it just melee classes' joy? (And mages?)

Re: Druid reqs for 200

Hello everyone. This is my very first forum post after well over 2 and half years history in Lugh, having finally received the forum account's activation code... : ) Better later than never?

Firstly I need to say that it's a shame to see this topic being trashed with offtopic as blaming two people to be one with what ever motives when the point was to just discuss friendly about druid requirements for the 200 boss... Vulture I wonder what do you mean with these pictures of charlotte's/turquoise's posts? I hope you realize turquoise's name is charlotte. And if anybody wasnt yet informed druid2001 and turquoise are identical twins and I can confirm this as having seen these persons on a video call : ) And yes I'm prepared for the possibility that next coming up will be somebody saying that they must have 'hacked' the video app to look like there were two people present, just like people 'hack' the dice... It's how Lugh's community works. I also like how some people make these 'everyone knows' statements when they have hardly (or never) even talked to the people of who they're talking about and then create these 'facts'. : ) (not just this topic)

Vulture, I'm also surprised you wanted to join this offtopic/trash talk with the pictures (Assuming that charlotte would be druid and reveal something important, or who knows what was your aim). Specifically since you have got exceptionally disreputable background yourself... Cough* Making a druid and deceptively lying to everyone that it wasn't you... Well let's think about the current situation then: with this history of yours how could we know your 'little sister's' rogue isn't being only played by you or is actually just you now? Both winning drops at same fights, and if so, definitely being against Lugh's 'one win per player a fight' -rule. What should we do? Should we then just allow one win to everyone per fight who can be related in real life, siblings, couples, other family members since everything is doubtful?.. Or make a rule that everybody who seem to be too good friends (maybe share items together), only one can win because they might be the same person. Really reasonable, isn't it? Or should we arrange some video call check-ups to everyone to make sure that they really are their own persons before being able to attend fights?.....
Or maybe just send a ticket to support of the issue and have it checked, quit the game or keep going and live with the constant doubt of deception - if that's the case. Though might be an idea to remember that if nobody trusted anyone we would be killing none major bosses or do really anything. So, I hope we can trust you aren't her/playing her. (And you should also spare some trust on others. )

Before this topic possibly gets locked, I'll tell you a bit of my opinions of the actual requirement issue... No matter was I from Synergy or not. This is an open topic for everyone I understood, free access.. In my opinion, casters (mages/druids) should have the same level requirement since both are equally as difficult to level up next to melee classes. Druids have been getting easy way into boss fights for way too long time, slacking, joining fights with minimal requirements. Also having been able to win items for all classes when being 10 and more lvls below the requirement to wear it.

Maxees mentioned " - - if there wasn't enough dps on at the moment would we call in rogues, rangers, and warriors as low as 150 to help us kill? Or would we wait for more to log.. I feel it should be the same for druids. God forbid though it be an extra 10-15minute wait for a level of druids to log - -" I totally agree with Maxees on this because it basically makes all those further lvled druids work useless when the requirement is so loose that quite much any lvl druid can join if there isn't druids immediatelly present at the very second when the boss spawns... Like, at the moment druids of lvl 180 are joining 200 boss, it's not even 15lvls below. We should be encouraging druids to develop and level like I think our system does for melee classes with 190 requirement for 200 boss. And I don't think we are suffering from lack of druids at these 200 bosses like was mentioned before - the problems with necro are neither concentrated on just lack of heals more like of lack of cooperation and input.

The 200 boss needs only 2-3 druids to be done and we have a fair few active druids 190+ playing, not just me and elle and wendel.. It would be fair to treat druids at least the same as mages or even the same with all classes... If support mage must be 190 to attend so should support druid be even if the idea of 190 requirement for druids doesn't go through. Same treatment. Lower level druids were mentioned to be useful because they can heal about the same as 190+.. Maybe some few ones achieve that but then, most 190+ druids keep the buffs up for the tank... Low level support mages can also energy boost and sacrifice as well as higher lvl ones. And they might even cover up lures that higher lvls don't who are maybe concentrated on just dps side and dont do them. And yes I know that energy isn't maybe concerned as important as heal side among everyone but casters have been walking 'hand in hand' with requirements a long time why should it be changed now? Especially since it takes about same effort for druids and mages to level after all.

One statement here also was that its ok for lower level druids to join fights since items are usable due to low requirements.. I think that's a weak excuse. If we allow lower levels to join fights just because items have low requirement then warriors/rangers/rogues, all classes would be joining 200 only because the drops are usable and have 170 requirement. "Theyre usable". That sentence could be applied on anything. Was also mentioned that would be clever to be able to roll on only items you could use.. First it sounds perfect until you start thinking about it. OTM has been lowering level requirements for items lately... If the same direction continues, next event could have 150 requirement for the items or something silly... It wouldn't please many players - unless you were only talking about courtesy of passing on rolls for items that are too high for you, and you didn't mean that you can instantly join fight if you're able to use the item.

In my opinion if you want to win, you work for it and not just join for an easy ride. Id be happy to apply this 10lvl range for all classes and for not sounding totally biased, keep it there also when new engine comes out and also we '190+ ppl' are meant to lvl again.

So 1+ for druids 190lvl requirement for 200boss. Mages be the same.

When will we prize the druids that lvl and work hard for progressing? Or is it just melee classes' joy? (And mages?)
do you ever?!? that is why u have offish replies on topics...lelz

go flip or whatever...lelz
Last edited by reytch on Thu Oct 23, 2014 12:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
World: LUGH
Class: Mage(reytch)-Rogue(OnceBitten)-Druid(TwiceShy)
Level: 221-223-205

World: EPONA
Clan: SizeMatters
Class: Mage(Mahikera/Niebe/ChocolateMastah)-Rogue(Balisong)-Druid(Albularya)-Warrior(Mandarangan)-Ranger(Palaso)
Level: 225/224/170-224-233-226-225

Relax folks...everything RESPAWNS!
I'm a MIRROR, how I treat you is a mere reflection of how you are to me.


Re: Druid reqs for 200

As for druids, im good with 185+. As to many have pointed out heals do add up. Minus 15 has been the current rule on bosses for druids, perhaps keep it that way?

The Spider boss seems very easy as compared to Garanak, less druids necessary hence this discussion...what if next boss is harder, do we change level reqs again? or do we keep a standard?

Good points raised on having druids level up like mages to meet level req for 200 at 190. Somehow even if both classes are casters I see them very differently. Druids are vital to keep the tank alive for a smoother less costly kill. Mages mostly for DPS as far as I can see like even with pierce I see Smarty doing awesome damage.

P.S. Kudos Ameranth for reaching 190! Very doable, ayt?
World: LUGH
Class: Mage(reytch)-Rogue(OnceBitten)-Druid(TwiceShy)
Level: 221-223-205

World: EPONA
Clan: SizeMatters
Class: Mage(Mahikera/Niebe/ChocolateMastah)-Rogue(Balisong)-Druid(Albularya)-Warrior(Mandarangan)-Ranger(Palaso)
Level: 225/224/170-224-233-226-225

Relax folks...everything RESPAWNS!
I'm a MIRROR, how I treat you is a mere reflection of how you are to me.


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