No offense taken, and I respect your opinion Xanadu, but you have committed a common argumental fallacy in your inference of my post. I understand why though, as my wording was a bit broad.
I never said that those who don't buy platinum are "deadbeats" to OTM, nor did I intend to imply it. Any inferences you make are beyond me at that point. I think anyone who would make a claim in regards to the game's economy would understand that it's a cycle and that everyone plays an integral role - plat buyers or not.
My point was that buying plat to support OTM, not just for the sake of paying to win, isn't a bad thing - as it's implied by the constant boasting of people reaching end-game without spending a dime. I've only spent about $11 on platinum and I think that's a fair amount to help the game company. My post wasn't meant to be a comment on economics.
Re: When Will It End! Establishing a Final Reachable lvl cap
#81Android | Lir
Kevdo | Rogue
Master Kevin | Druid
Kevdo | Rogue
Master Kevin | Druid