First off it is patently ridiculous that the earth is 6000 years old. To believe the account of bronze age goat herders likely with advanced syphilis infections over the staggering mountains of factual evidence you can see touch taste hear and smell is unbelievable. There are whole cultures older than this nonsense you are even being racist and culturally insensitive by denying their existence or contributions to the human race. I mean for gods sake you can count the tree rings on many trees older than this lmafo.1. From a biblical standpoint the world is 6000 years old but in the Bible it also says that one breath is like a man's life in God's eyes. But from the Bible Adam and Eve were the first humans on earth and when they ate the forbidden fruit they were given knowledge that they otherwise would not have known. So essentially there were no cave men or stuff like that. Because the first humans were on the earth for a total of about 6000 years according to the Bible.Actually the golden rule predates the bible by almost two thousand years as documented in written history. It was incorporated (plagiarized) into the bible along with many contemporary myths of the time.
Since it relies on pre-school logic it's undoubtedly been around for tens of thousands of years before the Egyptians or Chinese documented it.
It's pretty surprising how many people employ logic against others but fail to apply that same logic to themselves. Having the intellectual honesty to do that is what distinguishes children from adults.
If you read any posts in this thread you would see this was falsely attributed to the bible when it obviously pre dates the old testament by quite some time and had been developed by most cultures around the world at one point or another2. Also you could also say from other religions that their teaching say to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. So why target the Bible?
So in the face of facts and cited information you simply resort to ad homenim. Am I an ahole for telling you your religious views are so misinformed they aren't even wrong? Possibly. That dosent stop it from being true. Your reality denial just hurts yourself and those around you. Reality is what it is regardless of how hard you stick your head in the sand.3. Your last statement is SOOOOO ironic its not even funny. You employ logic on us and what we are supposed to do yet you are a complete *** , and douchebag , do i have to further list more things to describe you?
Personally I'd pull your head outta there before you do something insanely stupid like not vaccinating your children.