Who do we think the villain is?
I'm not sure that there will be a clear cut villain in this story. They way that they presented the characters, it seems like this will be a battle between two competing ideologies. Each group (Ricks vs the Hospital) thinks that they are right and the other group is wrong ("No one is coming for us" vs "we need to keep society going for when we are rescued"). This will cause them to fight over how people should live in this new world.
The lollipop guy was creepy, but it highlights how they needed to work with some odious people in order to attain their goals. I don't think that the hospital group is necessarily evil. It seems like they compromised their morals severely in the quest to achieve their goal. Is lollipop guy that much different than Shane was? Before Shane, Rick's motto was "we don't kill the living". After Shane, they killed a ton of people to keep their group together.
In another comparison, the Hunters at Terminus used to take in people for refuge, until they were attacked. Once they won their freedom back, they had no food and turned to cannibalism. The leader of their group said "you don't know what it's like to be hungry". These people weren't necessarily evil at first either, until they compromised their morals to the point where they became evil because they wanted to survive.
The thing I like best about the zombie genre is that the zombies aren't necessarily the monsters in the story. The monsters are the people who have to keep living. Sure, Rick's group is presented as the heroes in the story, but when you look at what they have done, how "good" are they really?