@OP, please answer this:This topic is really about gaming ethics and tactics. Sometimes they do not mix. A good tactic like farming in an area where your enemies lix may not seem ethical but perfectly legit. Common courtesy is not so common in a game. In fact, one can argue it does not apply in a game. This is a virtual world not real life.
If your rival clan was killing necro, and suppose they had the power to kill it before rage, would you go stand within the life steal range? Maybe bring some friends along to eat more life steals?
Because that is actually a tactic. Enough lifesteal griefers at necro can and has thwarted many a necro raid.
And it's also not against the rules. OTM won't ban you for taking life steals at necro because that is how the game works. They also won't ban you for ruining someone's lix.
And it also prevents the rival clan from getting stronger. So does ruining your rival clan's lix.
So, would you grief the necro raid? Yes/no?[/quote
A few have come and taken lifesteals as well as pull spirits after which we started killing them in arena. Pulled adds total 3 times at garanak 6. Tried(failed)to reset comrak 5 times. Mass reported half the clan to get them banned succeeding with some, after which ppl did what smelly is talking abt.