I have no idea why Smelly posted this. When I first read it, I cringed a little because I knew no good would come of it. If I had to speculate though I think the post was made out of frustration. I don't enjoy Arawn right now either. If you want to know what is going on right now is that my clan is dealing with a bunch of belligerent jerks right now, who will grief and insult you until you are at your breaking point. When you do finally break and defend yourself, these people will turn around and report you to OTM for whatever you have just done. And OTM will always take their side over our clan. It is getting very frustrating, and has made me lose a lot of faith in OTM support resolving anything because they favor the rival clan over ours. They even return accounts to people who have been blatantly sharing their accounts. Here's an example of what a clan member received after defending himself from insults in the arena:
This statement can't go unaddressed.
You claim to be dealing with a bunch of belligerent jerks. Can you honestly say that there are not members of your clan who grief for the purpose of griefing? I can name a few off the top of my head that do so. They have behaved that way prior to joining your clan and also while in a clan opposing you. To say that this is entirely one sided and that the rival faction is being felt with in certain ways only out of frustration is just plain ludicrous. Your s*** stinks the same as everyone else's.
http://celtic-heroes.com/forum/viewtopi ... 3&start=60
The above link is to address the matter of OTM always taking another clans side over yours. You have received information from Morgana at OTM directly about why some members of your clan got warnings while anyone else who asked for that information would not be given it. Considering that, I don't know how you can say that there is some bias against you. Feel free to make the video where you claimed this happened public again. It was an attempt to name and shame without directly using CH media as a forum to do so.
Some members on both sides are guilty of of being jerks most of the time. Not everyone. Not even a large percentage of each clan. Pointing fingers at everyone else doesn't make you the better person. Iif you think you are smelling like roses it's because bs makes for a good fertilizer.
By the way, we get them too
Beware the chickens, they are duplicitous.