Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Patch on the way

Umm has this been suggested? Higher rend hits? idk if anyone has noticed..rend hits super low now. It use to hit in the high 80s. now i hit low 20s?>_>

Higher rend hits please??? lol i don't care much for sneaky.

Edit* scratch that. rend doesnt hit low 20s it hits low 10s >_>!!!!!!
Player Name: JakeArron, MageZero
Class: Rogue, Mage
Level: 99, 83
Clan: Legendary, Corruption

Re: Patch on the way

Ok I'll say again it may be highest damage skill in game but it's useless unless u can use it yea? Wats the point of having it if it's interrupted?
Username: LordOfOrder MinionOfOrder
Level: 53 55 Warrior Mage
World : Taranis
Clan: TheOrder - Without Order, There Is Chaos

Re: Patch on the way

Okay i have a lvl 40 druid and 41 warrior so ive seen two different perpectives from patch:

1st Druids:

1. You are addressing very low dmg on vines, thank you

2. Ditto for root change

3. The new buffs are grrreat, but i can never tell when my comrades run out, and they expire way before they shouod causing me to quit healing the tank on the boss. Its frustrating.

4. Dmg on my staff is outrageously low. I mean if im in the fray i should get something for my added effort and gaming abilities.


1. Pummel - youre right its really bad now. I have the slowest weaPon i could find pre Patch (54 dmg maul) and it hit for ....109 with lvl 10 skill maxed?!?

2. New. Skills with no way of reusing my points

3. Okay plate is heavier. But having heavy armoe effects energy pool?? That should not apply to us. We NEED the armor to survive boss hits. Try having 70 energy for entire fight with no regen . What shouod i do? Save it all for refreshing my

Re: Patch on the way

I have only seen the game from the druids perspective

so i think it is rediculous that people keep insisting that they should have attacks that do 300-500 damage
and that they should be able to kill high level monsters in just one or two hits

maybe thats what you had gotten used to
but it was wrong

if you are doing 70-100 per hit then be very greatful you arent only doing 20 or so like me

If you want more energy, then level up and put some more points in focus
its that simple
stop looking for a hand out just because your character cant take on the world by himself

Re: Patch on the way

First, We had ONE damge spell before that was decent, now we have two piece of crap spells(lightning and vines). Second,I did not complain about druid energy, i complained of warrior energy ( entirely different). . 3 skill uses and im out of energy for whole battle!?!?!

I do not need to do a ton of damage as my druid, but i should be able to kill
something myself for experience. And my normal swing as warrior has 5900 speed and hits for 89 , while my pvp 10 skill hits for 98 Sometimes, takes 1/4 of my energy, and is supposed to improve with slower weapons????

Re: Patch on the way

If you are using 1 handed weps.
My clan member uses the axe that does 29 damage.
His Axe Ability or whatever you train it in is just past 100 and, he says it helps with his skills a lot.
IGN: Nito (Mage)
IGN: Nitio (Druid)
World: Mabon
Clan: Rebels

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